section 187(1.3)


Authorities may open sealed packet to copy and examine its documents with a court order.


187(1.3) A provincial court judge, a judge of a superior court of criminal jurisdiction or a judge as defined in section 552 may order that the sealed packet be opened and its contents removed for the purpose of copying and examining the documents contained in the packet.


Section 187(1.3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that permits judges to order the opening of a sealed packet of documents for the purpose of copying and examining its contents. This provision is designed to provide judicial oversight over the use of sealed packets, which are containers used to protect the confidentiality of certain types of evidence. Sealed packets may contain a variety of documents, including medical records, financial records, and other sensitive materials that are relevant to a criminal case. In some situations, these documents may be necessary to provide evidence in court, but they may also contain private or confidential information that requires protection. The decision to open a sealed packet is not taken lightly. Judges must carefully balance the rights of the accused with the need to protect the integrity of the justice system. In making this determination, judges will consider a number of factors, including the nature of the documents in question, the importance of the evidence to the case, and the privacy concerns of the parties involved. Once a judge orders the opening of a sealed packet, the documents will be copied and examined by authorized personnel. This process is overseen by the court and is subject to strict confidentiality requirements to protect the privacy of the parties involved. Overall, Section 187(1.3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that helps to ensure the proper use of sealed packets in criminal cases. By providing judicial oversight over the opening of these containers, this provision helps to protect the privacy and rights of those involved while also promoting the fair and just administration of justice.


Section 187(1.3) of the Criminal Code of Canada gives authority to judges to order the opening of sealed packets to copy and examine documents contained inside. The provision is of great significance as it lays the foundation for a core principle of the justice system: transparency. The Criminal Code of Canada contains provisions that allow courts to admit certain types of evidence under specific circumstances. Sealed packets are used as a mechanism for providing such evidence without disclosing any personal information that the evidence may contain. Sealed packets are deposited with the court registry and sealed until ordered otherwise by a judge. The packets may contain documents, photographs, audio and video recordings, or other materials that are relevant to the case. The provision included in section 187(1.3) is applicable to provincial court judges, judges of a superior court of criminal jurisdiction, and judges defined in Section 552 of the Code. It empowers judges to order the sealing of packets, to breaking open sealed packets for investigation, and to copy the documents contained inside the packet. The provision is essential to maintaining the integrity of the justice system as it allows examinations of the contents inside a sealed packet to ensure that justice is being served. It also helps to ensure that the trial proceedings are conducted in an open and transparent manner, providing citizens with confidence that justice is being served. Still, the power contained in section 187(1.3) of the Criminal Code must be used judiciously to prevent abuse or misuse. Judges must use their discretion when deciding whether to open a sealed packet or not. They must balance the need to uncover evidence that may be of critical importance to the case against the accused with the privacy rights of the individuals involved. Furthermore, the provision must be interpreted in line with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which guarantees certain rights to individuals. The use of this provision must be subject to conditions that protect individuals' rights and respect their fundamental freedoms. The section 187(1.3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a fundamental provision in the justice system. By allowing the opening of sealed packets for the purpose of examining documents, it helps ensure the transparency of the justice system and promotes the principle of fairness. However, the power it provides must be used judiciously to maintain a balance between the interest of the accused and the broader public interest in the administration of justice.


Section 187(1.3) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides the authority for judges to order the opening of a sealed packet in order to examine its contents for evidentiary purposes. However, there are various strategic considerations that must be taken into account when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code. One of the primary strategic considerations is the potential impact that accessing the sealed packet could have on the overall case. In some cases, the contents of the sealed packet may contain information that is crucial to the defense or prosecution's case, and could potentially lead to a breakthrough in the case. However, opening the packet may also reveal information that could be detrimental to the case, and could potentially weaken the party's position. Another strategic consideration is the potential risk involved in accessing the sealed packet. This could involve the risk of damaging the documents contained within the packet, or the risk of compromising the integrity of the case. Additionally, there may be legal ramifications to accessing the sealed packet, such as the potential for the party to be charged with an offense under the Criminal Code. In order to navigate these strategic considerations, it is important to employ a variety of strategies. One such strategy involves conducting a thorough assessment of the potential risks and benefits associated with accessing the sealed packet. This may involve consulting with legal experts and other professionals in order to gain a better understanding of the potential outcomes of opening the packet. Another strategy involves conducting a comprehensive review of the sealed packet in order to identify any potential evidentiary value prior to accessing the packet. This could involve a careful analysis of the information contained within the packet, as well as a review of the legal precedents that may be relevant to the case. Ultimately, the decision to access the sealed packet will depend on a variety of factors, including the potential risks and benefits, the evidentiary value of the packet, and the overall strength of the case. By carefully considering these factors and employing effective strategies, parties can navigate the complexities of section 187(1.3) of the Criminal Code of Canada and work towards a successful outcome for their case.