section 248


This section makes it an indictable offense to endanger the safety of any person by placing something or doing something to any property used for transportation.


248 Every one who, with intent to endanger the safety of any person, places anything on or does anything to any property that is used for or in connection with the transportation of persons or goods by land, water or air that is likely to cause death or bodily harm to persons is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.


Section 248 of the Criminal Code of Canada addresses the issue of endangering public transportation. It stipulates that any person who intentionally puts anything or does anything to any property that is used for transportation by land, water, or air, with an intention to harm others, is committing a serious criminal offence and can be sentenced to imprisonment for life. The law recognizes that these acts have the potential to cause grave harm, including death to passengers or harm to people or property in the proximity. This section is particularly relevant when it comes to the transportation of passengers and goods, as it aims to ensure that all users of transport are safe from harm. This means that trains, planes, boats, buses, and other forms of public transportation must be kept safe from intentional damage or tampering. Additionally, this section also covers any property used for or in connection with the transportation of goods or persons, such as rail lines, ports, airports, and terminals. The section seeks to deter individuals from committing such acts and also provides a means for holding those responsible accountable. The severe penalties for violations of this section act as a deterrent and ensure that those who commit such offences are brought to justice. In conclusion, Section 248 of the Criminal Code of Canada emphasizes the importance of transporting people and goods safely and legally. It serves as a reminder to everyone in the transport industry, including passengers, operators, and supporters, to take their responsibilities seriously. The law requires all people to ensure the safety of everyone involved in transportation and must take all measures to prevent anyone from intentional harm.


Section 248 of the Criminal Code of Canada deals with a heinous crime that could potentially endanger the lives of countless individuals. It makes it an indictable offense for anyone who, with intent to endanger the safety of any person, places anything or does something to any property used for or in connection with the transportation of persons or goods by land, water, or air that is likely to cause death or bodily harm to persons. In this section, it is clear that the Canadian legal system considers the safety of individuals using transportation as a critical factor. This safety is not limited to passengers but also pertains to any person that could potentially come into harms way because of damage to transportation infrastructure. The legislation recognizes that property damage can result in severe harm to individuals who utilize transportation infrastructure. The punishment for this offense is imprisonment for life, which indicates the severity of this crime. It is clear that the Canadian legal system values the safety and wellbeing of individuals, and perpetrators of such crimes should face severe consequences for their actions. The possibility of life imprisonment also serves as a deterrent to individuals who would target transportation infrastructure with malicious intent. Moreover, the use of the word "intent" in this section is noteworthy. This means that any act resulting in damage to transportation infrastructure must have been done intentionally, with the intent to harm someone. This intention to cause harm shows that the offender's actions were premeditated and deliberate, making their crime even more severe. This section of the Criminal Code also highlights the importance of ensuring the safety of transportation infrastructure. Infrastructure that allows for the transportation of individuals and goods is fundamental in modern society, and the ability to safely and efficiently transport people and items is essential. Any damage to this infrastructure could have significant consequences, from disrupting commerce to affecting people's health and wellbeing. It is crucial to note that this section of the Criminal Code is not limited to physical damage but extends to anything placed on transportation property that could harm individuals. This could mean anything from a hazardous substance being placed on a train track to a rogue drone hovering dangerously close to an airplane. In conclusion, Section 248 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides a clear warning to those who would seek to endanger the safety of individuals through the manipulation of transportation infrastructure. The legislation recognizes the importance of transportation infrastructure and the need to keep it safe and secure. The potential punishment of life imprisonment serves as a warning that such actions will not be taken lightly and must be dealt with severely. Overall, this section of the Criminal Code is a crucial tool in maintaining the safety and security of Canadian society.


Section 248 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that deals with the endangerment of the safety of people who use transportation systems in the country. As such, any activities that could pose a risk to human life are forbidden, and violators of this provision could face imprisonment for life if found guilty. For organizations that operate in the transportation industry, this provision presents a unique challenge as they must take steps to ensure that their properties are not used for activities that could endanger human lives. One strategic consideration when dealing with Section 248 is the importance of effective risk management. This provision is not only about physical harm; it also covers situations that could lead to psychological harm to individuals. For instance, a threat of an explosive device placed on a passenger airplane can cause significant distress and fear among the passengers. Therefore, transportation companies must identify potential risks, assess their likelihood, and implement strategies to mitigate these risks. These strategies could include a robust security system, awareness programs for staff and passengers and close collaboration with security agencies. Another strategic consideration is the importance of proactive measures. Transportation companies cannot afford to be reactive in their approach towards Section 248. They must take deliberate steps to prevent any instances that could put people in danger. This requires continuous training of staff on security procedures, regular security audits and assessments of the efficiency of security systems. Furthermore, collaboration and cooperation with law enforcement agencies are essential strategies that transportation companies can employ. Companies need to develop working relationships with local and national security agencies to enhance security protocols, update valuable emergency response plans and work out security strategies that are appropriate for their area of operation. Responsiveness to intelligence gathering reports is another crucial aspect of working with security agencies to prevent violent incidents. Lastly, transportation companies must ensure that they comply with Canadian legal provisions when dealing with individuals that pose a threat to their operations. Transporting dangerous goods, for example, must be done within the stipulated regulatory framework. Any breach of these regulations attracts a civil or criminal penalty. In conclusion, the well-being and safety of different actors in the transportation industry should be of utmost priority. Violation of Section 248 of the Criminal Code is a serious offense, and transportation firms must take significant steps towards mitigating any risks that could endanger people's lives. The implementation of some of the strategies mentioned above such as effective risk management, proactive measures, collaboration with law enforcement agencies, and compliance with regulations can be effective in preventing violations of Section 248 and ensuring the safety of people using transportation systems.