section 273(1)


Aggravated sexual assault is committed when a sexual assault causes injury, disfigurement, or endangers the life of the complainant.


273(1) Every one commits an aggravated sexual assault who, in committing a sexual assault, wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the complainant.


Section 273(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the offence of aggravated sexual assault. This offence is committed when an individual engages in sexual assault and, in the process, inflicts serious harm on the complainant. The harm that is considered to be qualifying for this offence includes wounding, maiming, disfiguring, or placing the life of the complainant in danger. The intent of including this offence in the Criminal Code is to ensure that serious harm inflicted during a sexual assault is treated as a separate and more severe criminal offence. In Canada, sexual assault is considered to be a serious crime that can result in significant personal and emotional harm for the victim. Aggravated sexual assault takes this severity to the next level by acknowledging the intentional harm inflicted on the victim during the sexual assault. This additional harm, such as physical injury or life-threatening situations, can have long-lasting effects on the victim's wellbeing. Aggravated sexual assault is a very serious offence that carries severe penalties under Canadian law. If found guilty of this offence, an individual can face significant prison time and other serious consequences, such as being registered as a sex offender. Due to the severity of the crime and its impact on the victim, the Criminal Code of Canada's inclusion of aggravated sexual assault is a crucial measure in ensuring offenders are held accountable and victims receive the appropriate justice and protections.


Section 273(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada deals with aggravated sexual assault, one of the most heinous forms of sexual offence. The section outlines that any sexual assault that causes severe harm or endangers the life of the victim is considered aggravated sexual assault. This act is a serious criminal offence, and conviction can result in a significant period of imprisonment. The Criminal Code of Canada defines sexual assault as any non-consensual sexual act that occurs against the will of the victim. Any unwanted sexual touching, unwanted sexual advances, or sexual activity involving force or coercion can constitute sexual assault. The term 'aggravated' denotes the serious and often life-threatening nature of the assault. In other words, if the sexual assault causes severe damage or injury to the victim, then it is considered aggravated. The law states that the aggravating factors must be a result of the sexual assault. This means that the assailant must have caused the harm to the victim during the assault. The act of sexual assault is already an offence, but once the act leads to the victim's life-threatening injury, then the charge changes to aggravated sexual assault. Therefore, if a sexually motivated attack causes significant bodily harm to the victim, the assailant can receive the more severe charge of aggravated sexual assault. The sentence for aggravated sexual assault is severe, as it is a first-degree offence. The law considers this offence to be heinous because of the severity of its consequences. Therefore, the sentence for this offence ranges from life imprisonment to a minimum of five years. Since aggravated sexual assault is a life-threatening crime, the offender's only option of release is through a parole board hearing. In prosecuting an offender, the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed the sexual assault and that the said sexual assault caused significant harm to the victim. More specifically, the prosecution must prove that the offender caused the injury intentionally or recklessly. If the prosecutor cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the injury was a result of the accused's intentional or reckless act, the charge may revert to the lesser degree of sexual assault. In conclusion, Section 273(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a critical provision in Canada's criminal law, which helps protect victims of sexual assault. Aggravated sexual assault is a serious offence because it poses a grave danger to the victim's life. The law punishes this crime with a more severe sentence than the lesser degree of sexual assault because of the severity of its consequences. It is crucial for society to understand the implications of this charge and protect potential victims by advocating for policies that prioritize their interests and ensure proper legal protection.


Section 273(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the serious criminal offense of aggravated sexual assault. This particular section provides that anyone who causes physical harm or endangers the life of the victim during the commission of a sexual assault commits the offense of aggravated sexual assault. When dealing with this section of the Criminal Code, there are some strategic considerations that must be taken into account. The first and most significant consideration is the fact that aggravated sexual assault is one of the most serious sex offenses in Canada. It is a crime that carries severe penalties, including life imprisonment. In light of the severity of the offense, a defendant facing aggravated sexual assault charges requires a competent and experienced criminal defense lawyer who has an established record of success in handling sex offense cases. Defense attorneys must be prepared to negotiate plea bargains, enter into plea negotiations, and raise various defenses to protect their clients' interests. Another strategic consideration when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code is the need for thorough investigation and skilled cross-examination of witnesses. Defense attorneys should carefully examine all the available evidence, including the victim's statements, forensic evidence, and the scene of the alleged crime. Subsequent cross-examination of prosecution witnesses is also a key strategic consideration. One of the strategies that defense attorneys should employ is challenging the credibility of the evidence presented by the prosecution. It is common for prosecutors to rely on victim testimony and medical evidence to prove the elements of the offense. However, by effectively cross-examining prosecution witnesses, lawyers can demonstrate that the evidence is insufficient or unreliable, thereby raising doubts and undermining the prosecution's case. Another strategic consideration when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code is plea bargaining. With the assistance of skilled lawyers, defendants may be able to negotiate a plea bargain that may result in an acceptable plea, rather than the prospect of a lengthy prison sentence. This plea negotiation may entail accepting a lesser charge or a reduced sentence for the defendant or both. It is also important to note that successful defense attorneys work closely with medical experts, forensic specialists, and psychologists to mount the best defense possible. These types of professionals can support the defendant's case by providing expert evidence that can be used to challenge the prosecution's evidence. In conclusion, when dealing with Section 273(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, strategic considerations, and strategies are crucial. A successful defense lawyer should be highly skilled, tenacious, and detail-focused. Through careful examination of the evidence, effective cross-examination of witnesses, and utilizing a range of experts, defense attorneys can help mitigate the charges and secure a successful outcome for their client.