section 320.1(8)


This section applies subsections 320(6) to (8) to this section with necessary modifications based on circumstances.


320.1(8) Subsections 320(6) to (8) apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to this section.


Section 320.1(8) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that refers to the application of specific subsections within the broader provisions of Section 320 of the Code. This particular section deals with the offence of impaired driving, which includes driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both. The referenced subsections (320(6) to (8)) relate to the powers and duties of peace officers and the requirements for obtaining a warrant for certain actions related to impaired driving investigations. The language used in 320.1(8) indicates that these provisions can be modified to suit the circumstances of the particular offence being investigated. What this means in practical terms is that if a peace officer is investigating a case of impaired driving under Section 320.1, they may have to follow the same procedures and requirements as outlined in 320(6) to (8), but with some modifications based on the specific circumstances of the case. For instance, if there is a suspected drug-impaired driver involved, the officer may have to rely on different testing methods to determine impairment than they would in a case involving alcohol impairment. Overall, Section 320.1(8) helps to ensure that the relevant sections of the Criminal Code of Canada are properly applied to cases of impaired driving involving drugs or a combination of alcohol and drugs. This provision helps to promote consistency in impaired driving investigations while also allowing for flexibility in accommodating unique situations or circumstances that may arise.


Section 320.1(8) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that outlines the applicability of subsections 320(6) to (8) to the current section. The section concerns impaired driving offences related to drugs and other substances, and its provisions are meant to address the growing concern over driving under the influence of drugs. Subsections 320(6) to (8) of the Criminal Code deal with the criminal offence of impaired driving. They outline the circumstances that constitute impaired driving, and the penalties that are attached to the offence. In essence, impaired driving is the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol in such a way that the ability to do so safely is compromised. The purpose of section 320.1(8) is to extend the provisions of subsections 320(6) to (8) to cover impaired driving offences related to drugs and other substances. This means that the same rules that apply to impaired driving offences related to alcohol also apply to impaired driving offences related to drugs. The section recognizes that the effects of drugs on driving are just as dangerous as those of alcohol and need to be treated with the same severity. The modifications that section 320.1(8) refers to have to do with the different types of drugs that can impair driving and the challenges that come with detecting and proving impairment. Unlike alcohol, which has a set limit for legal impairment, there is no such limit for drugs. The effects of different drugs on driving vary widely, and it can be difficult to determine if a driver is impaired solely on the basis of a chemical test. Therefore, the section allows for modifications that take into account the unique circumstances of drug-related impaired driving. For example, a drug recognition expert may be called to testify in court about the signs and symptoms of drug impairment and how they were observed in a particular driver. This is in contrast to alcohol-related impaired driving, where a breathalyzer test can provide conclusive evidence of impairment. In conclusion, section 320.1(8) of the Criminal Code of Canada plays a significant role in addressing the issue of impaired driving related to drugs and other substances. Its provisions ensure that drug-related impaired driving is treated with the same seriousness as alcohol-related impaired driving. By allowing for modifications that are specific to drug-related impairment, the section provides a framework for detecting and prosecuting these offences that is fair and effective. Overall, section 320.1(8) is an important component of Canada's efforts to combat impaired driving and promote road safety.


Section 320.1(8) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that deals with impaired driving offenses. It applies to cases where an individual is suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or both, and provides the police with the power to demand a breath or blood sample from the suspect, within a certain time frame, for the purpose of determining their blood-alcohol concentration or drug impairment. When dealing with this section of the Criminal Code of Canada, there are several strategic considerations that need to be taken into account. One of the primary considerations is the legality of the police investigation and the admissibility of the evidence obtained under this section. Any evidence obtained in violation of the suspect's rights or without proper authorization can be challenged in court and may lead to the exclusion of the evidence. Another important consideration is the potential consequences of a conviction under section 320.1(8). The penalties for impaired driving offenses can be severe, including fines, driving suspensions, and even imprisonment. As such, it is crucial to have a strong defense strategy to either avoid conviction altogether or minimize the impact of any penalties. Some strategies that can be employed when dealing with this section include challenging the legality of the police investigation, seeking to exclude evidence obtained through improper means, contesting the reliability of the test results, and arguing that the accused did not have the intent to drive impaired. Other strategies may involve seeking a plea bargain or diversion program, which can provide alternatives to traditional criminal penalties such as rehabilitation, community service, or education programs. These options can be particularly useful in cases where there are mitigating circumstances that may warrant leniency. It is also important to consider the potential impact of a conviction on the accused's personal and professional life. For instance, a conviction for impaired driving can result in a criminal record, which can impact employment opportunities, travel restrictions, and other aspects of daily life. As such, it is essential to consider the long-term consequences and work towards the best possible outcome for the accused. In conclusion, dealing with section 320.1(8) of the Criminal Code of Canada requires careful strategic considerations and the implementation of effective defense strategies. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can provide invaluable advice and representation, helping to ensure that the accused's rights are protected and the best possible outcome is achieved.