section 381


Using the mail to deceive or defraud the public or obtain money under false pretences is a criminal offence punishable by up to 2 years imprisonment.


381 Every one who makes use of the mails for the purpose of transmitting or delivering letters or circulars concerning schemes devised or intended to deceive or defraud the public, or for the purpose of obtaining money under false pretences, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.


Section 381 of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the offence of making use of the mails for the purpose of transmitting or delivering letters or circulars related to fraudulent schemes or false pretences with the intent to deceive or defraud the public or to obtain money under false pretences. This offence is considered an indictable offence, which means that it can lead to a trial and imprisonment for a maximum term of two years. The purpose of this section is to protect the public from fraud and deception by preventing individuals from using the postal service to promote fraudulent schemes or to obtain money by misrepresentation. It is important to note that the use of the term "mails" is not limited to traditional postal services but includes any means of transmitting letters or circulars, including electronic mail. Examples of activities that could be considered offences under this section include sending out mass emails promoting get-rich-quick schemes, mailing solicitation letters advertising an investment opportunity that does not actually exist, or using the postal service to deceive individuals into providing personal information for fraudulent purposes. Overall, Section 381 of the Criminal Code of Canada serves as an important tool in combatting fraud and deception and holding individuals accountable for their actions.


Section 381 of the Criminal Code of Canada serves to deter individuals from using the mail system for deceitful and fraudulent purposes. This section specifies that any person who uses Canada Post to send letters or circulars that promote schemes intended to deceive or defraud the public or to obtain money under false pretenses is committing a serious criminal offence. The penalty for this crime is imprisonment for up to two years. This law is essential for maintaining integrity and honesty in our society. Canadian banks and businesses have developed advanced security measures and policies to deter and detect fraudulent activities. However, despite these efforts, fraudsters continue to find new ways to exploit people through various scams. The use of Canada Post in these schemes is often facilitated by using fake names or addresses, thereby making it difficult for authorities to track down the perpetrators. In recent years, there have been numerous instances of fraudulent schemes being spread through mail communication in Canada. The most notorious of these schemes is the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) scam, in which fraudsters impersonate CRA officials and threaten to arrest individuals for alleged tax violations unless immediate payment is made. This type of scam has led to millions of dollars in losses for unsuspecting victims across the country. Section 381 of the Criminal Code sends a strong message to fraudsters that their actions will not be tolerated and will be met with severe consequences. The threat of imprisonment for up to two years provides a strong deterrent to those who are considering using the mail system for fraudulent purposes. It also gives law enforcement agencies and prosecutors a valuable tool to combat mail fraud. Furthermore, section 381 has broader implications for Canadian society beyond just the issue of mail fraud. It represents a fundamental commitment to protecting the public from harmful activities carried out through deception and fraud. This commitment underlines the Canadian justice system's core values of fairness, equality, and accountability. The law aims to instill trust and confidence in our society by holding individuals accountable for their fraudulent behavior and deterring others from engaging in similar criminal activities. In conclusion, Section 381 of the Criminal Code of Canada is an essential provision that helps to protect citizens from fraudulent activities carried out through Canada Post. By deterring fraudsters and holding them accountable for their actions, this law helps to maintain trust and integrity in our society. As technology advances and new scams emerge, it is crucial that lawmakers continue to update and strengthen provisions like Section 381 to ensure that the criminal justice system remains effective in its efforts to combat fraud.


One of the main strategic considerations when dealing with Section 381 of the Criminal Code of Canada is understanding the nature of the offence and the evidence required to secure a conviction. This offence is specific to the use of the postal system to perpetrate fraud or obtain money under false pretences. Any investigation and prosecution will likely focus on establishing that the accused intentionally used the mail to deceive or defraud the public, or to obtain money by making false representations. A key strategy that could be employed to secure a conviction is gathering and presenting evidence that clearly establishes the intention of the accused. This might involve collecting and analyzing the contents of any letters or circulars sent through the mail, as well as any other documentation that can shed light on the alleged fraudulent activity. Investigators may also seek to interview potential victims or witnesses who can provide information about how they were deceived or defrauded by the accused. Another strategic consideration when dealing with Section 381 is the potential for the offence to be linked to other criminal offences, such as fraud or forgery. Depending on the circumstances of the case, it may be appropriate to consider laying additional charges or pursuing other legal avenues to hold the accused accountable for their actions. In addition to these strategies, there are also a range of other approaches that can be employed when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code. One option is to utilize preventative measures, such as education campaigns and public awareness initiatives, to help raise awareness of the risks of fraudulent schemes and encourage individuals to exercise caution when receiving unsolicited mail or offers. Another strategy that may be effective is to target known fraudsters and those with a history of involvement in fraudulent activities. This could involve prioritizing investigations and prosecutions against these individuals, or working with other law enforcement agencies and financial institutions to develop targeted strategies for preventing and detecting fraudulent activities. Ultimately, the key to success when dealing with Section 381 is to adopt a multifaceted approach that takes into account the specific circumstances of each case, and employs a range of strategies to prevent, detect, and prosecute fraudulent activity. Whether through education and awareness, targeting repeat offenders, or gathering and presenting evidence to secure a conviction, there are many avenues available for those seeking to hold perpetrators of fraud accountable under this section of the Criminal Code.