section 488


Warrants issued under sections 487 or 487.1 must be executed during the day unless authorized by a warrant and reasonable grounds are provided.


488 A warrant issued under section 487 or 487.1 shall be executed by day, unless (a) the justice is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for it to be executed by night; (b) the reasonable grounds are included in the information; and (c) the warrant authorizes that it be executed by night.


Section 488 of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the conditions under which a warrant issued under section 487 or 487.1 can be executed by night. A search warrant is a legal order authorizing law enforcement officers to enter a premises to search for evidence related to a crime. According to Section 488, a warrant should be executed during the day unless the justice issuing the warrant is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for it to be executed by night. If the justice is convinced that there is a need for a night-time execution, the warrant must state this authorization clearly. Reasonable grounds for a night-time execution could include the possibility of the suspect escaping or destroying evidence during the daylight hours. However, the justice must be convinced that such risks are present. If the justice is satisfied that reasonable grounds exist for the warrant to be executed at night, the reasonable grounds must also be included in the information presented to the court, along with the grounds for the warrant itself. In summary, Section 488 ensures that law enforcement officers cannot execute a warrant at night without proper authorization from a judge, and only when there are reasonable grounds to do so. The provision helps protect the rights of citizens while providing the necessary tools for law enforcement to carry out their duties.


Section 488 of the Criminal Code of Canada regulates the execution of warrants issued under section 487 or 487.1. The provision sets out a general rule that warrants shall be executed during daylight unless there are reasonable grounds to execute them at night with authorization from the warrant. This provision aims to ensure that the execution of warrants is subject to appropriate legal safeguards and that fundamental rights are protected. The provision provides judicial officers with discretion to authorize warrant executions at night in exceptional circumstances. The justice must be satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for the warrant to be executed at night, and these grounds must be included in the information used to obtain the warrant. The warrant must also explicitly authorize it to be executed at night. The requirement for judicial authorization of night-time warrant executions is significant as it constitutes a substantial protection against arbitrary state intrusion. The authorization requirement compels law enforcement agencies to present evidence outlining the exceptional circumstances that necessitate night-time execution of the warrant. The onus is on the law enforcement agencies to convince the judicial officers that the exigencies of the situation justify night-time execution to get the authorization from the judiciary. The authorization requirement ensures that the exceptional circumstances that require night-time warrant execution are scrutinized by the judiciary to prevent the abuse of power by the state. The provision also aims to enhance the transparency and accountability of law enforcement agencies by requiring them to justify the need for executing the warrants at night. This requirement encourages law enforcement agencies to act with greater transparency and accountability when conducting investigations and executing warrants. The section reinforces the principle that an individual's fundamental rights must be respected and safeguarded, even when they are the target of a criminal investigation. The requirement for judicial authorization of night-time warrant executions ensures that these fundamental rights are respected and protected. This provision is particularly relevant in contemporary times when privacy and police accountability are critical concerns. Over the years, there have been several high-profile cases involving alleged abuses of power by law enforcement agencies, ranging from warrantless surveillance to unlawful searches. The existence of provisions such as Section 488 of the Criminal Code of Canada serves as an essential safeguard against the abuse of power and violation of fundamental rights. In conclusion, Section 488 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial provision that regulates warrant executions, including those executed at night. It aims to ensure that warrants are subject to appropriate legal safeguards and that fundamental rights are respected and protected. The provision provides judicial oversight and ensures that law enforcement agencies act with greater transparency and accountability.


Section 488 of the Criminal Code of Canada lays down specific guidelines regarding the execution of search warrants. It is crucial for law enforcement agencies to comply with these regulations if they are to avoid legal challenges to their investigations and prosecutions. In certain circumstances, police may have reasonable grounds to execute the warrant by night. In this scenario, the police must adhere to certain procedures to protect the rights of the suspect and ensure their safety. When dealing with section 488, one strategic consideration is the need to balance the powers of the state with the rights of the individual. The police must have reasonable grounds to suspect that the warrant may involve danger to themselves or the public if it were executed during the day. For instance, if the suspect is known to be armed and dangerous, executing the warrant at night may be necessary to protect the safety of law enforcement officials and the community. Another strategic consideration is the importance of ensuring that the grounds for executing the warrant at night are included in the information. This information must be provided to the justice who will issue the warrant. This ensures transparency and accountability of the warrant application process. Additionally, the justice will be able to assess if there are sufficient grounds to issue a warrant authorizing the execution on a night basis. The strategy employed by law enforcement agencies will depend on the specific circumstances of the case. One strategy for executing the warrant at night is to ensure that the suspect is not aware of the warrant application. By executing the warrant in a covert manner, the police can avoid tipping off the suspect, prevent the destruction of evidence, and apprehend the suspect without resistance. Another strategy would be to ensure that the warrant is executed in a safe and secure manner. The police should take all necessary precautions to minimize risks to themselves, the public, and the suspect. This may involve ensuring that sufficient members of the team are present, utilizing protective gear, and ensuring that the location is secured before entering and during the search. In conclusion, section 488 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides specific rules for executing a search warrant at night. Compliance with these regulations is critical for law enforcement agencies to mitigate legal challenges to their investigations and prosecutions. Strategies such as balancing the interests of the state and the rights of the individual, providing grounds for executing the warrant in the information, and ensuring a safe and secure execution of the warrant can optimize the execution of search warrants.