section 507.1(10)


This section defines designated justice for the purpose of the section.


507.1(10) In this section, "designated justice" means a justice designated for the purpose by the chief judge of the provincial court having jurisdiction in the matter or, in Quebec, a justice designated by the chief judge of the Court of Quebec.


Section 507.1(10) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides a definition for the term "designated justice" within the context of this section of the code. This section deals with the issue of peace bonds, which are essentially court orders that require an individual to keep the peace and be of good behavior. Peace bonds are typically requested by police officers or members of the public who have reason to believe that someone may commit a criminal offense or act of violence. In order for a peace bond to be issued, an individual must appear before a designated justice. As the section explains, a designated justice is a specific type of justice who has been designated for this purpose by the chief judge of the provincial court having jurisdiction in the matter. This means that the designated justice is someone who has been appointed by a higher-level authority to carry out this specific task. The purpose of this definition is to provide clarity as to who is authorized to issue peace bonds. By using the term "designated justice," the section ensures that only those individuals who have been officially designated for this purpose may issue peace bonds. This helps to prevent abuses of power or confusion over the legal process by ensuring that the right people have the authority to make these important decisions. Overall, this section is an important part of the Criminal Code of Canada as it helps to ensure that peace bonds are issued in a fair and consistent manner. By defining the term "designated justice," this section helps to maintain public trust in the legal system and ensure that individuals are treated fairly when facing criminal charges or accusations.


The Canadian Criminal Code is a comprehensive legislative document that outlines the laws and procedures under which criminal offences are dealt with in Canada. Section 507.1(10) of the Criminal Code is one of the provisions that is designed to ensure the fairness and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. The section defines the term "designated justice," which is a key concept in the Criminal Code's provisions pertaining to pre-trial detention and release. When a person is arrested and charged with a criminal offence, they are entitled to a bail hearing to determine whether they should be released from custody pending their trial. The bail hearing is typically before a judge or justice, who must determine whether the accused should be released on bail or kept in custody until their trial. Under the Criminal Code, a "designated justice" is a justice who is specially appointed for the purpose of conducting bail hearings and detention reviews. The designation is made by the chief judge of the provincial court that has jurisdiction over the case, or in the case of Quebec, by the chief judge of the Court of Quebec. Designated justices are selected based on their judicial experience and expertise in the area of pre-trial detention and release. The role of the designated justice is to ensure that bail hearings are conducted fairly, efficiently, and in accordance with the principles of justice. They are responsible for reviewing the evidence presented by the Crown prosecutor and the accused, and for making a determination as to whether the accused should be released on bail. The decision is made based on a number of factors, including the risk of the accused committing further offences, the likelihood that they will appear for their trial, and the need to maintain public confidence in the administration of justice. The designation of a justice as a "designated justice" is a significant responsibility, as it requires a deep understanding of both the law and the practical realities of pre-trial detention and release. Designated justices must be able to balance the interests of the accused, the Crown, and the public, and to make decisions that are fair, just, and in accordance with the principles of the Criminal Code. Overall, section 507.1(10) of the Criminal Code is an important provision that helps to ensure the fairness and effectiveness of the Canadian criminal justice system. By explicitly defining the term "designated justice," the section clarifies the role and responsibilities of justices who are responsible for conducting bail hearings and detention reviews. This results in a more efficient and effective justice system, which in turn helps to protect the rights of all Canadians.


Section 507.1(10) of the Criminal Code of Canada plays a crucial role in the justice system, particularly in regard to terrorist-related offenses. The section sets out the jurisdiction of designated justices in Canada with respect to pre-trial measures for individuals charged with terrorism offenses. As such, the section is critical in ensuring that the justice system can respond effectively and efficiently to terrorism-related offenses. However, dealing with this section also requires careful consideration of strategic approaches that could be employed to ensure that the system is not misused or compromised. One key strategic consideration when dealing with Section 507.1(10) is the need to ensure that proper procedures are followed when designating justices. The chief judge of the Provincial Court or the Court of Quebec is responsible for designating the justice who will preside over proceedings related to terrorism offenses. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the designation process is carried out in a fair and unbiased manner. Another strategic consideration when dealing with Section 507.1(10) concerns the role of the designated justice. The designated justice has broad powers to oversee pre-trial measures related to terrorism offenses. These powers include deciding on detention, imposing conditions on release, and approving custodial orders. It is, therefore, essential to ensure that the designated justice executes these powers responsibly and transparently. Moreover, it is crucial to ensure that the system remains vigilant to prevent any potential abuses of power when dealing with Section 507.1(10). To minimize the misuse of the section, the designated justice must ensure that there is sufficient evidence to justify any pre-trial measures taken. Any conditions imposed must be in proportion to the alleged offense and must not infringe on the individual's rights. This requires sound judgment and a thorough understanding of the legal framework. In addition, another strategic consideration is the importance of transparency when dealing with Section 507.1(10). Transparency is critical to ensuring that public trust in the justice system is maintained. The justice system must be transparent in its dealings and activities, including the decisions of the designated justice and the reasons behind their decisions. This helps to build public trust in the system and reduce the opportunity for public concern. To tackle such issues, various strategies can be adopted while dealing with Section 507.1(10). One such strategy is to establish clear guidelines and protocols regarding the designation of justices and their powers. Regular training and education for all involved in the justice system can also help to prevent any potential abuses of power. This strategy can also help to ensure that everyone involved in the system is aware of their responsibilities and obligations. Another strategy that can be employed is the promotion of transparency and accountability throughout the system. This can be achieved through regular monitoring and evaluation of the system and transparency in the decisions made by designated justices. This helps to ensure that the public remains informed of the system's workings. In conclusion, Section 507.1(10) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial section that aims at effectively and efficiently addressing terrorism-related offenses. While dealing with Section 507.1(10), various strategic considerations must be undertaken to ensure that the system operates fairly and transparently. It is imperative to establish clear guidelines and protocols, conduct regular training, and maintain transparency to prevent any potential abuses of power. This will help to build public trust and promote accountability in the justice system.