section 511(1)


This section outlines the requirements for a warrant to name the accused, briefly describe the offense, and order their immediate arrest and appearance before a judge or justice.


511(1) A warrant issued under this Part shall (a) name or describe the accused; (b) set out briefly the offence in respect of which the accused is charged; and (c) order that the accused be forthwith arrested and brought before the judge or justice who issued the warrant or before some other judge or justice having jurisdiction in the same territorial division, to be dealt with according to law.


Section 511(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada lays out the requirements for a warrant to be issued in this part of the Code. The section specifies that a warrant must include the name or description of the accused, the brief description of the offence they are charged with, and an order for the accused to be immediately arrested and brought before a judge or justice. The purpose of this section is to ensure that the process of issuing a warrant is clear and transparent. The accused must be properly identified, and the charge against them must be communicated effectively. Additionally, the requirement to bring the accused before a judge or justice ensures that the accused is promptly aware of the charges against them and is given the opportunity to defend themselves. This section also emphasizes the importance of the rule of law and due process. The accused must be dealt with according to law, and procedures must be followed strictly to ensure that justice is served. Therefore, the warrant must be issued by a judge or justice with the proper jurisdiction, and the accused must be brought before a judge or justice authorized to hear their case. In summary, Section 511(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a critical requirement for issuing a warrant in this part of the Code. It addresses the key elements that must be included in the warrant to ensure that the process is transparent, clear, and upholds the rule of law.


Section 511(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides the guidelines for issuing a warrant under Part XXVII of the Code. This section is crucial in ensuring that the fundamental rights of Canadians are protected while also allowing for the proper administration of justice. The first requirement of a warrant under this section is that it must name or describe the accused. This is important as it ensures that the person who is the subject of the warrant is readily identifiable. A warrant without an accurate description of the accused could result in the wrong person being arrested, which could be a violation of their Charter rights. Secondly, the warrant must set out briefly the offence in respect of which the accused is charged. This requirement ensures that the accused is aware of the nature of the charges against them. It also helps to prevent a situation where the accused is arrested on vague or ambiguous charges, which could be a violation of their Charter rights. Finally, the warrant must order that the accused be forthwith arrested and brought before the judge or justice who issued the warrant or before some other judge or justice having jurisdiction in the same territorial division, to be dealt with according to law. This requirement is crucial in ensuring that the accused is afforded all of the rights guaranteed to them under Canadian law. It helps to prevent situations where an accused is detained without access to legal advice or without being informed of their rights. The overarching purpose of section 511(1) is to balance the need for effective law enforcement with the protection of individual rights and freedoms. The section ensures that the police are not given unfettered power to arrest individuals without a warrant, while also guaranteeing that individuals are not subject to arbitrary arrest. Overall, section 511(1) is an essential provision in the Criminal Code that provides clear guidelines for the issuance of warrants. By setting out these requirements, this provision helps to prevent abuses of power, protects individual rights, and ensures that justice is administered fairly and effectively. It is a vital aspect of our legal system and a cornerstone of the Canadian justice system.


When dealing with Section 511(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, there are several strategic considerations that need to be taken into account. The primary goal is to ensure that the warrant is issued correctly and that the accused is arrested and brought before the court promptly. Here are some strategies that could be employed: 1. Accuracy of Information: It is essential to ensure that the information provided in the warrant is accurate and up-to-date. The warrant should clearly state the name or description of the accused, the offense that the accused is charged with, and the jurisdiction in which the accused is to be arrested. 2. Timeliness: In order to ensure that the accused is brought before the court promptly, it is important to issue the warrant as soon as possible. Delays in issuing the warrant may give the accused time to evade arrest or destroy evidence. 3. Collaboration with law enforcement agencies: The police are responsible for executing warrants and making arrests, so it is important to work closely with them when issuing a warrant. This may involve coordinating the timing of the arrest to ensure that the accused is apprehended without incident. 4. Review of judicial procedures: In some cases, it may be necessary to review the judicial procedures that apply to the issuance of warrants in a particular jurisdiction. This may involve examining the rules of evidence and criminal procedure, as well as consulting with legal experts to ensure that the warrant is issued in compliance with the law. 5. Flexibility: While it is important to ensure that the warrant is issued and executed quickly, there may be circumstances that require flexibility. For example, if the accused is located in a foreign jurisdiction, it may be necessary to work with international law enforcement agencies to secure their arrest and extradition. In conclusion, Section 511(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision when it comes to the issuance of warrants. By taking into account the strategic considerations outlined above and employing effective strategies, it is possible to ensure that the warrant is issued correctly and the accused is brought before the court promptly.