Criminal Code of Canada - section 726.2 - Reasons for sentence

section 726.2


This section requires a court to state the terms and reasons for a sentence and record them in the proceedings.


726.2 When imposing a sentence, a court shall state the terms of the sentence imposed, and the reasons for it, and enter those terms and reasons into the record of the proceedings.


Section 726.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada is an essential provision that is intended to promote transparency and accountability in the Canadian criminal justice system. According to this section, a court is required to provide a clear and detailed explanation of the sentence it imposes on a defendant, including the terms of the sentence and the reasons for it. Furthermore, the court must enter these terms and reasons into the record of the proceedings. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that defendants are aware of the consequences of their actions and the reasoning behind their sentence. This transparency enables defendants to understand the rationale behind their punishment, thereby promoting a sense of fairness and justice. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for appellate courts to review the sentencing decisions of lower courts, ensuring that the sentence is both appropriate and proportionate to the severity of the offense. Judges must provide explicit and comprehensive reasons for their sentencing decisions. This includes taking into account the principles of sentencing set out in the Criminal Code. These principles include considerations such as denunciation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and protection of society. The court must weigh the seriousness of the offense against the aggravating and mitigating circumstances. Overall, section 726.2 plays an essential role in ensuring that the Canadian criminal justice system is accountable, transparent, and just. It requires judges to provide clear and detailed explanations of their sentencing decisions and ensures that these decisions are grounded in the principles of sentencing and justice. This provision underscores the importance of fairness and transparency in the administration of justice and recognizes the fundamental rights of defendants.


Section 726.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the mandatory requirement for Canadian courts to state the terms of a sentence imposed and the reasons for it. Additionally, the court is to enter these terms and reasons into the record of the proceedings. This section of the Criminal Code is a fundamental aspect of the Canadian legal system as it ensures transparency and accountability in the sentencing process. The primary purpose of the sentencing hearing is to determine the appropriate punishment for the offender. The sentencing hearing occurs after the trial has taken place, and the accused has been found guilty, or has pleaded guilty. During the sentencing hearing, the prosecutor and defense counsel can submit evidence and make submissions to the court concerning what punishment they believe the offender deserves. The judge then determines the sentence to be imposed, considering all the evidence, and makes a ruling. The transparency and accountability in the sentencing process ensure that the punishment imposed is just and fair. In other words, the sentence imposed by the court must reflect the seriousness of the offense and the offender's moral blameworthiness. It is important to note that the Criminal Code of Canada provides a range of sanctions that a court may impose when sentencing an offender. These sentencing options include a discharge, probation, fines, restitution, community service, and imprisonment. When a court imposes a sentence, it is significant that the court provides detailed reasons for the sentence. A clear and concise statement of the reasons for the sentence helps the offender understand why the punishment was imposed and can help deter the offender from committing further criminal activity. Additionally, the reasons for the sentence can serve as a precedent for future cases. A sentence must also consider the unique circumstances of each offender, such as the offender's personal background, criminal history, and the impact of the crime on the victim and community. It is essential that the court take these aspects into account when imposing sentence to ensure that the punishment fit the crime. The requirement for the court to enter the terms of the sentence and reasons into the record of the proceedings is crucial as it helps in the appellate process. In the event that an offender appeals the sentence, the appellate court reviews the sentence and examines the reasons behind the sentence. If the trial judge did not provide sufficient evidence to support their reasoning, then the sentence may be overturned. In summary, Section 726.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides an essential safeguard within the Canadian legal system. The transparency and accountability in the sentencing process ensure that the sentence imposed is fair and just. The requirement for the court to state the terms of the sentence and reasons for it reinforces the legitimacy of the Canadian legal system. It ensures that the public has confidence in the judiciary and that the punishment fits the crime.


Section 726.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada requires the courts to state the terms and reasons for imposing a sentence and to enter those terms and reasons into the record of proceedings. This section ensures that the sentencing process is transparent and accountable by requiring judges to explain the rationale behind their decisions. While this section may seem straightforward, there are several strategic considerations that lawyers and judges must keep in mind when dealing with it. One strategic consideration is the importance of crafting a clear and concise sentence that reflects the severity of the crime and the criminal's role in it. This means that judges must weigh the aggravating and mitigating factors of the case to determine an appropriate sentence that balances punishment and rehabilitation. For example, a judge may consider the offender's prior criminal record, the nature and severity of the offense, the impact of the offense on the victim, and the offender's prospects for rehabilitation when determining a sentence. By doing so, the judge ensures that the sentence is both just and proportional to the crime. Another strategic consideration is the need to communicate the reasons for the sentence in a way that is easily understood by the public. This is particularly important for high-profile cases that generate media attention and public scrutiny. For example, if a judge imposes a sentence that deviates from standard sentencing practices, such as a more lenient or harsher sentence than what is normally given for similar offenses, the judge must explain the reasons behind the deviation. This is necessary to maintain public confidence in the criminal justice system and to ensure that the sentencing process is consistent and fair. A third strategic consideration is the importance of presenting compelling arguments to persuade the judge to impose a particular sentence. This involves understanding the judge's sentencing philosophy, considering the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence, and anticipating potential counterarguments. Lawyers must use their best judgment to present the most persuasive case possible, given the unique circumstances of the case. By doing so, they increase the likelihood that the judge will impose a sentence that aligns with their client's interests. One strategy that can be employed to ensure compliance with section 726.2 is to create a standardized sentencing template that judges can use to ensure that they include all the required information in their sentencing decisions. This template could include a checklist of factors to consider, a chart of sentencing ranges for different offenses, and a list of common mitigating and aggravating factors. This would streamline the sentencing process, reduce the risk of errors or omissions, and ensure that the record of proceedings is accurate and complete. In conclusion, section 726.2 of the Criminal Code of Canada requires judges to state the terms and reasons for imposing a sentence and to enter those terms and reasons into the record of proceedings. To comply with this section, lawyers and judges must consider several strategic factors, including crafting a clear and concise sentence that reflects the severity of the crime, communicating the reasons for the sentence in a way that is easily understood by the public, and presenting persuasive arguments to convince the judge to impose a particular sentence. Strategies such as creating standardized sentencing templates can also help to ensure compliance and consistency in the sentencing process.