Criminal Code of Canada - section 742.3(3) - Obligations of court

section 742.3(3)


This section outlines the requirements for a court to provide an offender with a copy and explanation of their sentencing order and procedures for changing optional conditions.


742.3(3) A court that makes an order under this section shall (a) cause a copy of the order to be given to the offender; (b) explain the substance of subsection (1) and sections 742.4 and 742.6 to the offender; (c) cause an explanation to be given to the offender of the procedure for applying under section 742.4 for a change to the optional conditions; and (d) take reasonable measures to ensure that the offender understands the order and the explanations.


Section 742.3(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada defines the obligations of the court when issuing a conditional sentence order. This section sets out that the court must provide a copy of the order to the offender, explain the substance of subsection (1) and sections 742.4 and 742.6 to the offender, explain the procedure for applying under section 742.4 for a change to the optional conditions, and take reasonable measures to ensure that the offender understands the order and the explanations. The purpose of this section is to ensure that offenders are aware of the conditions of their sentence and their responsibilities as part of their rehabilitation and reintegration into society. The court cannot assume that the offender understands the consequences of their sentence or the changes that can be made to their conditions without explicit explanations from the court. This section serves as a critical aspect of the rehabilitation process by providing offenders with the necessary information and support that they need to fulfill their sentence conditions. Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure that offenders understand their conditional sentence order. A condition that offenders do not understand may make it more difficult for them to complete their sentence successfully and may lead to further legal issues. An explanation of these orders can help prevent recidivism, contributing to the overall safety and well-being of society. To summarize, this section imposes a duty on the courts to explain the conditional sentence order and its implications to the offender and to provide them with the necessary support to rehabilitate and reintegrate into society. By doing so, the rehabilitation process can take place smoothly, and offenders have a better chance of re-entering society successfully.


Section 742.3(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that emphasizes the need for transparency and clarity in the imposition of probation orders. Probation is a sentencing alternative that allows offenders to remain in the community under supervision and with conditions that are intended to promote their rehabilitation and protect the public. This section sets out the requirements for ensuring that the offender understands the probation order, the conditions attached to it, and their rights to seek changes to the conditions. Subsection (a) requires that a copy of the probation order be given to the offender. This is a basic requirement that ensures that the offender is aware of the terms of the order and has the information necessary to comply with it. Without a copy of the order, an offender may be unaware of their obligations and may inadvertently violate the conditions, leading to further legal consequences. Subsection (b) mandates that the court explain the substance of subsection (1) and sections 742.4 and 742.6 to the offender. Section 742.3(1) sets out the general provisions for imposing probation orders, while sections 742.4 and 742.6 deal with the specific procedures for seeking changes to the conditions of the order. By explaining these sections to the offender, the court ensures that they are aware of their rights and remedies under the law. This information is crucial for protecting the offender's legal rights and ensuring that they are able to participate fully in the probation process. Subsection (c) requires the court to provide an explanation of the procedure for applying under section 742.4 for a change to the optional conditions. Section 742.4 allows an offender to apply to the court to have the conditions of their probation order changed or removed. This provision is important for ensuring that the order remains relevant and tailored to the offender's current circumstances. By explaining the procedure for seeking a change to the offender, the court encourages the offender to participate actively in the probation process and take responsibility for their rehabilitation. Finally, subsection (d) requires the court to take reasonable measures to ensure that the offender understands the order and the explanations. This provision recognizes that some offenders may have difficulty understanding the legal language and concepts used in probation orders. It is the court's responsibility to ensure that the offender fully comprehends the order and their obligations under it. This may involve providing explanations in plain language, using interpreters, or providing additional materials or resources as necessary. Overall, section 742.3(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that reflects the principles of transparency, accountability, and procedural fairness. By ensuring that an offender understands the terms of their probation order and their rights to seek changes to it, the court promotes compliance with the order and enhances the likelihood of successful rehabilitation. Moreover, by taking reasonable measures to ensure understanding, the court demonstrates its commitment to ensuring that justice is served fairly and equitably for all individuals.


Section 742.3(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada lays out specific requirements for courts when making orders for conditional sentences. These requirements are aimed at ensuring that offenders understand the conditions of their sentence and are able to comply with them. However, complying with these requirements can be challenging for courts, particularly in cases where the offender may have limited literacy or language skills. As such, there are a number of strategic considerations that courts can take into account when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code. One key strategy is to ensure that the offender has access to appropriate language and literacy supports. For example, courts may provide interpreters or translation services for offenders who are not fluent in English or French. They may also provide written materials in plain language or use visual aids to help explain the terms of the conditional sentence. This can help to ensure that the offender fully understands the order and is more likely to comply with its conditions. Another strategy is to involve community agencies and other support services in the sentencing process. Community agencies may be better placed to explain the terms of the sentence to the offender and help them develop a plan for compliance. For example, a probation officer or social worker may be able to work with the offender to develop a schedule for community service or help them find suitable job training or educational programs. By involving these agencies in the sentencing process, the court can increase the likelihood that the offender will successfully complete their sentence. A third strategy is to tailor the conditions of the sentence to the offender's specific circumstances. For example, a court may order an offender to attend drug or alcohol treatment if they have a history of substance abuse. Similarly, an offender who has stable housing and employment may be ordered to complete community service instead of house arrest. By making the conditions of the sentence relevant and achievable for the individual offender, the court can increase the likelihood that they will comply with the order. Overall, the key strategic considerations when dealing with section 742.3(3) of the Criminal Code include providing appropriate language and literacy supports, involving community agencies and support services, and tailoring the conditions of the sentence to the specific circumstances of the offender. By taking these steps, the court can increase the likelihood that the offender will successfully complete their sentence and reduce the risk of reoffending in the future.