section 745.62(1)


This section allows for appeals to the Court of Appeal on any question of law or fact related to determinations or decisions made under section 745.61.


745.62(1) The applicant or the Attorney General may appeal to the Court of Appeal from a determination or a decision made under section 745.61 on any question of law or fact or mixed law and fact.


Section 745.62(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the appeal process for cases involving the application of the faint hope clause. The faint hope clause allows individuals who have been sentenced to life imprisonment with no possibility of parole for at least 15 years to apply for a reduction of their parole ineligibility period. If an individual applies and their application is denied by a jury, the applicant or the Attorney General may appeal the decision to the Court of Appeal. This appeal can be made on any question of law or fact, or a combination of both. This means that if the decision made by the jury is believed to be incorrect or based on faulty legal reasoning, it can be challenged through the appeal process. The appeal process allows for a higher court to review the decision made by the jury at the initial hearing. This ensures that the application of the faint hope clause is fair and consistent, and that individuals are not arbitrarily denied the opportunity for parole eligibility reduction. The ability to appeal also promotes transparency and accountability in the justice system and ensures that the law is applied correctly. In conclusion, the appeal process outlined in section 745.62(1) is an important component of the faint hope clause application process. It ensures that decisions made by the jury are based on sound legal reasoning and that individuals are not unfairly denied the opportunity for parole eligibility reduction.


Section 745.62(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the process of appealing a decision made under section 745.61. This section pertains to the early release eligibility for dangerous offenders who have been sentenced to an indeterminate period of imprisonment. While the legislation allows for review and potential early release, the process is highly regulated and subject to close scrutiny. The appeals process outlined in section 745.62(1) is a crucial component of this review process. The phrase "any question of law or fact or mixed law and fact" in section 745.62(1) is significant as it broadens the scope of potential issues that can be appealed. This means that both the applicant and the Attorney General can appeal on any matter related to the determination or decision made under section 745.61. This allows for the possibility of reassessment of different aspects of the offender's case, including examination of the facts presented during the original trial and the legal interpretations of those facts. Furthermore, the inclusion of mixed law and fact in the phrase "any question of law or fact or mixed law and fact" emphasizes the importance of interpreting legal issues in the context of the individual case. With the potential for differing interpretations of the law in relation to specific factual contexts, the appeals process provides a useful tool for correcting errors or addressing issues that may have gone overlooked in the original determination or decision. One potential criticism of section 745.62(1) could be that the appeals process may result in delays for eligible offenders seeking release. Because the appeals process can be lengthy and complex, there is the potential for justice delayed for those who are deserving of early release. However, it is important to remember that the considerations involved in the determination and decision making process for early release of dangerous offenders require careful attention to detail, and that full and equitable assessment is critical to the integrity of the Canadian justice system. Overall, the inclusion of section 745.62(1) in the Criminal Code of Canada is an important aspect of the process for reviewing the eligibility for early release of offenders who have been sentenced to an indeterminate period of imprisonment. By providing for a broad scope of potential appeals and assessments of legal and factual issues, the law emphasizes the significant responsibility that comes with decisions related to early release of dangerous offenders. While such cases are often complex and difficult, the judicious application of the appeals process outlined in section 745.62(1) can help to ensure that justice is served fairly and equitably in the Canadian justice system.


When dealing with section 745.62(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada, there are several strategic considerations that one may want to keep in mind. This section allows either the applicant or the Attorney General to appeal a determination or decision made under section 745.61 on any question of law or fact or mixed law and fact. As such, it is critical to be familiar with the procedural requirements of section 745.61 and to ensure that all legal and evidentiary issues are properly addressed. One may also want to consider the following strategies: 1. Careful Trial Preparation: One strategy that could be employed is to carefully prepare for the trial and any subsequent appeals. This may involve identifying all possible legal issues that may arise, gathering and analyzing all relevant evidence, and ensuring that all evidentiary and procedural rules are followed. 2. Skilled and Experienced Advocacy: Another important strategy is to ensure that legal counsel is skilled and experienced in advocating for their clients. This includes having a deep understanding of the law, the ability to effectively cross-examine witnesses, and the ability to persuasively argue legal points in court. 3. Appellate Review: Given the possibility of appeals, it is also important to keep in mind that appellate courts generally review issues of law differently than trial courts. As such, one may want to ensure that their legal argument is grounded in sound legal principles and supported by legal precedent. 4. Maintaining Ethical Conduct: Finally, in dealing with section 745.62(1), it is important to maintain ethical conduct at all times. This includes ensuring that all evidence and legal argument is truthful and accurate, and that all ethical and professional standards are adhered to. Overall, section 745.62(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides a critical opportunity for parties to appeal any determinations or decisions made under section 745.61 on any question of law or fact or mixed law and fact. In order to be successful, it is important to consider the above strategies, as well as any additional legal and evidentiary issues that may arise.