section 753.01(2)


A report of the assessment of an offender must be filed with the court and made available to the prosecutor and counsel within 30 days.


753.01(2) The person to whom the offender is remanded shall file a report of the assessment with the court not later than 30 days after the end of the assessment period and make copies of it available to the prosecutor and counsel for the offender.


Section 753.01(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada mandates that the person to whom an offender is remanded must file an assessment report with the court within 30 days of the end of the assessment period. The assessment report is a critical document because it provides important information about the offender's mental health and risk assessment, which helps guide the court in determining an appropriate sentence. The assessment report is typically prepared by a qualified mental health professional who has evaluated the offender during the assessment period. This evaluation includes a detailed assessment of the offender's mental health, as well as any risk factors that may impact their likelihood of reoffending. The evaluation is based on a number of factors, including the offender's medical history, their criminal record, and any other relevant information. The assessment report is an essential tool that the court uses to determine an appropriate sentence, taking into account the offender's mental health and the risk of reoffending. The report may recommend a particular type of treatment, such as counseling or medication, that can help the offender address the underlying issues that led to their criminal behavior. Alternatively, the report may recommend a more restrictive sentence if the offender is deemed to pose a significant risk to society. Overall, Section 753.01(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada underscores the importance of comprehensive mental health assessments in the criminal justice system and highlights the need for courts to have access to accurate and timely information in order to make informed decisions about sentencing.


Section 753.01(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the requirement for the person to whom the offender is remanded to file a report of the assessment with the court not later than 30 days after the end of the assessment period. This section of the Criminal Code of Canada is crucial in ensuring transparency in the criminal justice system and upholding the rights of all individuals involved. The assessment period refers to the timeframe in which an offender is assessed to determine their suitability for conditional release. This could be in relation to bail or parole. During this period, the offender may be subjected to various assessments, including psychological and psychiatric evaluations. The report of the assessment provides a summary of the findings of these assessments, including any recommendations for conditional release. The requirement for the report of the assessment to be filed with the court within 30 days after the end of the assessment period is important as it ensures that all parties, including the prosecutor, counsel for the offender, and the court, are provided with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding the offender's release. This helps to ensure that any decisions made are fair, just, and based on accurate information. The availability of copies of the report of the assessment to the prosecutor and counsel for the offender is crucial as it allows them to review the report and provide any additional information to the court. This can help to ensure that all relevant information is considered when making decisions regarding the offender's release, reducing the risk of mistakes or unjust decisions. In addition, the requirement for the report of the assessment to be filed with the court and made available to relevant parties helps to promote transparency in the criminal justice system. It ensures that all parties involved are aware of the assessments that have been conducted and the findings. This can help to promote accountability and trust in the criminal justice system. Overall, Section 753.01(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an essential provision in ensuring fairness, justice, and transparency in the criminal justice system. It ensures that all parties involved are provided with accurate and relevant information to make informed decisions regarding an offender's release. This helps to promote accountability and trust in the criminal justice system, which is crucial to maintaining a just and equitable society.


Section 753.01(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada imposes a requirement on the person to whom an offender is remanded to file a report of the assessment with the court not later than 30 days after the end of the assessment period and make copies of it available to both the prosecutor and counsel for the offender. This provision is of significant strategic importance for the prosecution and defense counsel, as it provides them with an opportunity to gather information about the offender's mental state, risk level, and potential rehabilitation. One of the key strategic considerations when dealing with this provision is to ensure that the offender is properly assessed by a qualified mental health professional. The assessment should be conducted in a timely manner and should address all relevant issues, including the offender's mental health history, family background, social environment, substance abuse, and potential risk factors. The assessment should also include a diagnosis and recommendations for treatment and rehabilitation. Another important strategic consideration is to ensure that the provisions of the Criminal Code are properly followed. The report of the assessment must be filed with the court within 30 days of the end of the assessment period, and copies must be made available to both the prosecutor and counsel for the offender. Failure to comply with these requirements could result in the exclusion of the report as evidence, which could have a significant impact on the outcome of the case. One strategy that could be employed by the defense counsel is to challenge the competence or impartiality of the person conducting the assessment. If the assessment is conducted by a mental health professional who has a history of bias or incompetence, the defense counsel could argue that the report should not be admissible as evidence. This could potentially weaken the prosecution's case and lead to a better outcome for the offender. The prosecution, on the other hand, could use the report of the assessment to strengthen their case. If the report indicates that the offender poses a high risk of reoffending or has a severe mental illness, the prosecution could argue for a more severe sentence or restrictions on the offender's release. Alternatively, if the report indicates that the offender is a low risk and is likely to benefit from treatment, the prosecution could argue for a lighter sentence or treatment as a condition of release. In conclusion, section 753.01(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that can have a significant impact on the outcome of a case. Defense and prosecution counsel must carefully consider the strategic implications of this provision and ensure that they take appropriate steps to gather and present evidence that supports their respective positions. By doing so, they can help ensure that justice is served and that the rights of the offender and society as a whole are protected.