Criminal Code of Canada - section 78.1(5) - Definition of fixed platform

section 78.1(5)


This section defines a fixed platform as a permanently attached marine structure for resource exploration or economic purposes.


78.1(5) In this section, "fixed platform" means an artificial island or a marine installation or structure that is permanently attached to the seabed for the purpose of exploration or exploitation of resources or for other economic purposes


Section 78.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a definition for the term "fixed platform" within the context of the code. This definition is important because it is used in other sections of the code, such as Section 78.1 which deals with offences related to fixed platforms. The definition states that a fixed platform is an artificial island or marine installation or structure that is permanently attached to the seabed for the purpose of exploration or exploitation of resources or for other economic purposes. This means that anything that meets this definition is considered a fixed platform for the purposes of the Criminal Code of Canada. Section 78.1 of the code outlines offences related to fixed platforms, including acts of violence, destruction or damage to a fixed platform, or attempts to do so. These offences carry severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment, and they recognize the significant danger that these actions pose to those who work on or near fixed platforms. Overall, Section 78.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important definition that is used to determine what constitutes a fixed platform under Canadian law. By providing this definition, the code is able to ensure that all offences related to fixed platforms are treated consistently and that those who cause harm to these structures are held accountable for their actions.


Section 78.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that defines the term fixed platform" for the purposes of the Criminal Code. This section is of particular relevance in criminal law cases involving offences committed on or related to offshore structures in Canadian waters. The section's definition has been incorporated into various other provisions of the Criminal Code that have applications in the offshore context. The definition of a fixed platform" provided by section 78.1(5) is relatively straightforward. The provision states that a fixed platform is an artificial island or a marine installation or structure that is permanently attached to the seabed for the purpose of exploration or exploitation of resources or for other economic purposes. This definition includes various types of offshore structures, such as oil rigs, gas platforms, and wind turbines, that are used for commercial purposes in Canadian waters. One of the key implications of this definition is that it helps to clarify the scope of certain Criminal Code offences that may be committed in relation to fixed platforms. For example, section 78(2)(h) of the Criminal Code makes it an offence to commit mischief with the intent to endanger the safety of any person who is on or near a fixed platform. By defining what constitutes a fixed platform, section 78.1(5) helps to clarify the scope of this offence and ensure that it applies to all types of offshore structures that are typically used for commercial purposes. Another potential application of section 78.1(5) is in relation to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). CEPA is the primary federal statute for addressing environmental concerns related to activities carried out in Canadian waters. The Act enables the government to create regulations designed to protect the environment, and it also sets out various offences related to environmental harm. Section 5(1) of CEPA gives the government the power to regulate pollution from any source in Canadian waters, including fixed platforms. By defining what constitutes a fixed platform, section 78.1(5) may help to clarify the scope of CEPA's application in the offshore context. Overall, section 78.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a relatively straightforward provision that provides an important definition for the purposes of various Criminal Code offences related to offshore structures. By clearly defining what constitutes a fixed platform, the provision helps to clarify the scope of these offences and ensure that they are applicable to all types of offshore structures that are typically used for commercial purposes in Canadian waters.


Section 78.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada concerns the offense of committing an act of violence against individuals working on a fixed platform. This section aims to prevent acts of terrorism and violence on these structures, which are vital to Canada's economic and strategic interests. In handling this section of the Criminal Code, several strategic considerations need to be accounted for. First, it is crucial to ensure that there are adequate security measures in place to prevent acts of violence from occurring. This means that all fixed platforms must be equipped with the necessary security equipment, such as cameras, motion detectors, and alarms. The security personnel on the fixed platform should also be trained to handle any potential threats. Second, it is essential to have a well-trained and organized response team that can be mobilized quickly in case of an attack. The response team must be composed of highly trained individuals who can handle a variety of emergencies, including medical emergencies, fire, and acts of violence. Third, corporations and companies that operate fixed platforms should conduct a thorough vetting process for all employees working on the platform. This includes a background check, security clearance, and regular drug testing, among other things. Disciplinary measures must be in place, and any employees found to be violent or potentially dangerous should be promptly removed from the platform. Fourth, engaging in community outreach and building relationships with local communities is critical to facilitate cooperation and collaboration with law enforcement. Building rapport with the local communities can foster a shared responsibility for security and public safety. Fifth, training personnel on fixed platforms on terrorist activities and how to detect and report suspicious activities is crucial. Security personnel should be aware of the different signs of a potential terrorist act, have clear lines of communication with law enforcement, and be trained to handle potential explosive devices. In conclusion, dealing with section 78.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada, which deals with fixed platforms and acts of violence, is of utmost importance. Companies and organizations that operate fixed platforms must put in place measures to protect their employees, safeguard economic interests, and prevent acts of terrorism. The strategies to be employed include adequate security measures, a well-trained response team, a thorough vetting process, community outreach, and training personnel on terrorist activities. By taking proactive measures to prevent violence or terrorist acts, everyone's interests can be protected and save the lives of those who work on these platforms.