1 - Short Title
2 - Definition of terrorism offence
2 - Definition of railway equipment
2 - Definition of count
2 - Definition of Court Appeal
2 - Definition of Military Law
2 - Definition of terrorist activity
2 - Definition of United Nations Personnel
2 - Definition of victim
2 - Definition of weapon
2 - Definition of wreck
2 - Definition of writing
2 - Definition of valuable security
2 - Definition of valuable mineral
2 - Definition of united nations operation
2 - Definition of unfit to stand trial
2 - Definition of trustee
2 - Definition of testamentary instrument
2 - Definition of terrorist group
2 - Definition of terrorism offence
2 - Definition of territorial division
2 - Definition of superior court of criminal jurisdiction
2 - Definition of representative
2 - Definition of senior officer
2 - Definition of serious offence
2 - Definition of steal
2 - Definition of railway equipment
2 - Definition of public officer
2 - Definition of public stores
2 - Definition of public department
2 - Definition of provincial court judge
2 - Definition of organization
2 - Definition of peace officer
2 - Definition of prison
2 - Definition of property
2 - Definition of prosecutor
2 - Definition of offensive weapon
2 - Definition of offender
2 - Definition of offence related property
2 - Definition of night
2 - Definition of newly born child
2 - Definition of mental disorder
2 - Definition of military
2 - Definition of military law
2 - Definition of motor vehicle
2 - Definition of municipality
2 - Definition of justice system participant
2 - Definition of Justice
2 - Definition of internationally protected person
2 - Definition of highway
2 - Definition of indictment
2 - Definition of Her Majesty's Forces
2 - Definition of Government or public facility
2 - Definition of firearm
2 - Definition of explosive substance
2 - Definition of every one, owner and person
2 - Definition of dwelling house
2 - Definition of document of title to lands
2 - Definition of document of title to goods
2 - Definition of day
2 - Definition of criminal organization offence
2 - Definition of criminal organization
2 - Definition of court of criminal jurisdiction
2 - Definition of complainant
2 - Definition of counsel
2 - Definition of count
2 - Definition of Court of Appeal
2 - Definition of common law partner
2 - Definition of clerk of the court
2 - Definition of bank note
2 - Definition of bodily harm
2 - Definition of Canadian Forces
2 - Definition of cattle
2 - Definition of Attorney General
2 - Definition of associated personnel
2 - Definition of act
2.1 - Further definitions - firearms
3 - Descriptive cross-references
3.1 - Effect of judicial acts
4(1) - Value of postage stamp
4(2) - Value of valuable security
4(3) - Definition of possession
4(3) - Definition of possession
4(4) - Expressions taken from other acts
4(5) - Definition of sexual intercourse
4(6) - Proof of notifications and service of documents
4(6.1) - Proof of service in accordance with provincial laws
4(7) - Attendance for examination
5 - Canadian Forces not affected
6(1) - Presumption of innocence
6(2) - Offences outside Canada
6(3) - Definition of enactment
7(1) - Offences committed on aircraft
7(2.01) - Offences in relation to cultural property
7(2.02) - Definition of convention
7(2.1) - Offences against fixed platforms or international maritime navigation
7(2.2) - Navigation in the internal waters or territorial sea of another state
7(2.3) - Space station Canadian crew members
7(2.31) - Space station crew members of partner state
7(2.32) - Proceedings by Attorney General of Canada
7(2.33) - Consent of Attorney General of Canada
7(2.34) - Definition of flight element
7(2.34) - Definition of partner state
7(2.34) - Definition of space flight
7(2.34) - Definition of space station
7(2.34) - Definition of crew member of partner state
7(2.34) - Definition of Canadian crew member
7(2.34) - Definitions
7(2.34) - Definition of agreement
7(3) - Offences against internationally protected person
7(3.1) - Offence of hostage taking
7(3.2) - Offences involving nuclear material
7(3.6) - Definition of nuclear material
7(3.7) - Expanded jurisdiction for specified offences
7(3.71) - Offence against United Nations or associated personnel
7(3.72) - Offence involving explosive or other lethal device
7(3.73) - Offence relating to financing of terrorism
7(3.74) - Terrorism offence committed outside Canada
7(4) - Offences by Public Service employees
7(4.1) - Offence in relation to sexual offences against children
7(4.11) - Offence in relation to trafficking in persons
7(4.3) - Consent of Attorney General
7(5) - Jurisdiction
7(6) - Where previously tried outside Canada
7(7) - If accused not Canadian citizen
7(8) - Definition of flight and in flight
7(9) - Definition of in service
7(10) - Certificate as evidence
8(1) - Application to territories
8(2) - Application of criminal law of England
8(3) - Common law principles continued
9 - Criminal offences to be under law of Canada
10 - Appeal
11 - Civil remedy not suspended
12 - Offence punishable under more than one Act
13 - Child under twelve
14 - Consent to death
15 - Obedience to de facto law
16 - Defence of mental disorder
17 - Compulsion by threats
18 - Compulsion of spouse
19 - Ignorance of the law
20 - Certain acts on holidays valid
21 - Parties to offence
22(1) - Person counselling offence
22(2) - Idem
22(3) - Definition of counselling
22.1 - Offences of negligence organizations
22.2 - Other offences organizations
23 - Accessory after the fact
23.1 - Where one party cannot be convicted
24 - Attempts
24 - Attempts
25(1) - Protections of persons acting under authority
25(2) - Use of force in carrying out sentence
25(3) - When not protected
25(4) - When protected
25(5) - Power in case of escape from penitentiary
25.1(1) - Definition of public officer
25.1(1) - Definition of senior official
25.1(1) - Definition of competent authority
25.1(2) - Principle
25.1(3.1) - Condition civilian oversight
25.1(3.2) - Declaration as evidence
25.1(3) - Designation of public officers
25.1(4) - Considerations
25.1(5) - Designation of senior officials
25.1(6) - Emergency designation
25.1(7) - Conditions
25.1(8) - Justification for acts or omissions
25.1(9) - Requirements for certain acts
25.1(10) - Person acting at direction of public officer
25.1(11) - Limitation
25.1(12) - Protection, defences and immunities unaffected
25.1(13) - Compliance with requirements
25.1(14) - Exception: offences under Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
25.2 - Public officer to file report
25.3(1) - Annual report
25.3(2) - Limitation
25.4(1) - Written notification to be given
25.4(2) - Limitation
26 - Excessive force
27 - Use of force to prevent commission of offence
27.1 - Use of force on board an aircraft
28 - Arrest of wrong person
29(1) - Duty of person arresting
29(2) - Notice
29(3) - Failure to comply
30 - Preventing breach of peace
31(1) - Arrest for breach of peace
31(2) - Giving person in charge
32(1) - Use of force to suppress riot
32(2) - Person bound by military law
32(3) - Obeying order of peace officer
32(4) - Apprehension of serious mischief
32(5) - Question of law
33(1) - Duty of officers if rioters do not disperse
33(2) - Protection of officers
33(3) - Section not restrictive
33.1(1) - Self-induced intoxication - when defence not available
33.1(2) - Self-induced intoxication - Criminal fault by reason of intoxication
33.1(3) - Self-induced intoxication - Application
34(1) - Defence - use or threat of force
34(2) - Factors
34(3) - No defence
35(1) - Defence of property
35(2) - No defence
35(3) - No defence
43 - Protection of persons in authority - correction of child by force
45 - Protection of persons in authority - surgical operations
46(1) - High treason
46(2) - Treason
46(3) - Treason - Canadian Citizen
46(4) - Treason - overt act
47(1) - Punishment for high treason
47(2) - Punishment for treason
47(3) - Corroboration
47(4) - Minimum punishment
48(1) - Limitation - Treason
48(2) - Information for treasonable words
49 - Acts intended to alarm Her Majesty or break public peace
50(1) - Assisting alien enemy to leave Canada, or omitting to prevent treason
50(2) - Punishment
51 - Intimidating Parliament or legislature
52(1) - Sabotage
52(2) - Definition of prohibited act
52(3) - Saving
52(4) - Idem
53 - Inciting to mutiny
54 - Assisting deserter
55 - Evidence of overt acts
56 - Offences in relation to members of RCMP
56.1(1) - Identity documents
56.1(2) - For greater certainty
56.1(3) - Definition of identity document
56.1(4) - Punishment
57(1) - Forgery of or uttering forged passport
57(2) - False statement in relation to passport
57(3) - Possession of forged, etc., passport
57(4) - Special provisions applicable
57(5) - Definition of passport
57(6) - Jurisdiction
57(7) - Appearance of accused at trial
58(1) - Fraudulent use of certificate of citizenship
58(2) - Definition of certificate of citizenship and certificate of naturalization
59(1) - Definition of seditious words
59(2) - Definition of seditious libel
59(3) - Definition of seditious conspiracy
59(4) - Definition of seditious intention
60 - Exception
61 - Punishment of seditious offences
62(1) - Offences in relation to military forces
62(2) - Definition of member of a force
63(1) - Definition of unlawful assembly
63(2) - Lawful assembly becoming unlawful
63(3) - Exception
64 - Definition of riot
65(1) - Punishment of rioter
65(2) - Concealment of identity
66(1) - Punishment for unlawful assembly
66(2) - Concealment of identity
67 - Reading proclamation
68 - Offences related to proclamation
69 - Neglect by peace officer
70(1) - Orders by Governor in Council
70(2) - General or special order
70(3) - Punishment
71 - Duelling
72(1) - Definition of forcible entry
72(1.1) - Matters not material
72(2) - Definition of forcible detainer
72(3) - Questions of law
73 - Punishment
74(1) - Piracy by law of nations
74(2) - Punishment
75 - Piratical acts
76 - Definition of hijacking
77 - Endangering safety of aircraft or airport
78(1) - Offensive weapons and explosive substances
78(1) - Offensive weapons and explosive substances
78(2) - Definition of civil aircraft
78.1(1) - Seizing control of ship or fixed platform
78.1(2) - Endangering safety of ship or fixed platform
78.1(3) - False communication
78.1(4) - Threats causing death or injury
78.1(5) - Definition of fixed platform
78.1(5) - Definition of ship
79 - Duty of care re explosive
80 - Breach of duty
81(1) - Using explosives
81(2) - Punishment
82(1) - Possession without lawful excuse
82(2) - Possession in association with criminal organization
82.1 - Sentences to be served consecutively
82.2 - Definition of device
82.3 - Possession, etc., of nuclear material, radioactive material or device
82.4 - Use or alteration of nuclear material, radioactive material or device
82.5 - Commission of indictable offence to obtain nuclear material, etc.
82.6 - Threats
82.7 - Armed forces
83(1) - Engaging in prize fight
83(2) - Definition of prize fight
83.01(1) - Definition of terrorist group
83.01(1.1) - For greater certainty
83.01(1.2) - For greater certainty
83.01(1) - Definition of terrorist activity
83.01(1) - Definition of Canadian
83.01(1) - Definition of entity
83.01(1) - Definition of listed entity
83.01(2) - Facilitation
83.02 - Providing or collecting property for certain activities
83.03 - Providing, making available, etc., property or services for terrorist purposes
83.04 - Using or possessing property for terrorist purposes
83.05(1) - Establishment of list
83.05(1.1) - Recommendation
83.05(2) - Application to Minister
83.05(3) - Deeming
83.05(4) - Notice of the decision to the applicant
83.05(5) - Judicial review
83.05(6) - Reference
83.05(6.1) - Evidence
83.05(7) - Publication
83.05(8) - New application
83.05(9) - Review of list
83.05(10) - Completion of review
83.05(11) - Definition of judge
83.06(1) - Admission of foreign information obtained in confidence
83.06(2) - Return of information
83.06(3) - Use of information
83.07(1) - Mistaken identity
83.07(2) - Issuance of certificate
83.08(1) - Freezing of property
83.08(2) - No civil liability
83.09(1) - Exemptions
83.09(2) - Ministerial authorization
83.09(3) - Existing equities maintained
83.09(4) - Third party involvement
83.09(4) - Third party involvement
83.1(1) - Disclosure
83.1(2) - Immunity
83.11(1) - Audit
83.11(1) - Audit
83.11(2) - Monthly report
83.11(3) - Immunity
83.11(4) - Regulations
83.11(4) - Regulations
83.11(4) - Regulations
83.12(1) - Offences freezing of property, disclosure or audit
83.13(1.1) - Contents of application
83.13(1) - Seizure and restraint of assets
83.13(2) - Appointment of manager
83.13(3) - Appointment of Minister of Public Works and Government Services
83.13(4) - Power to manage
83.13(5) - Application for destruction order
83.13(6) - Notice
83.13(7) - Manner of giving notice
83.13(8) - Order
83.13(9) - When management order ceases to have effect
83.13(10) - Application to vary
83.13(11) - Procedure
83.13(12) - Procedure
83.14(1) - Application for order of forfeiture
83.14(2) - Contents of application
83.14(3) - Respondents
83.14(5) - Granting of forfeiture order
83.14(5.1) - Use of proceeds
83.14(5.2) - Regulations
83.14(5) - Granting of forfeiture order
83.14(6) - Order refusing forfeiture
83.14(7) - Notice
83.14(8) - Third Party Interests
83.14(9) - Dwelling-house
83.14(10) - Motion to vary or set aside
83.14(11) - No extension of time
83.15 - Disposition of Property
83.16(1) - Interim Preservation Rights
83.16(2) - Appeal of Refusal to Grant Order
83.17(1) - Other Forfeiture Provisions Unaffected
83.17(2) - Priority for Restitution to Victims of Crime
83.18(1) - Participation in Activity of Terrorist Group
83.18(2) - Prosecution
83.18(3) - Meaning of Participating or Contributing
83.18(4) - Factors
83.181 - Leaving Canada to Participate in Activity of Terrorist Group
83.19(1) - Facilitating Terrorist Activity
83.19(2) - Facilitation
83.191 - Leaving Canada to Facilitate Terrorist Activity
83.2 - Commission of Offence for Terrorist Group
83.201 - Leaving Canada to Commit Offence for Terrorist Group
83.202 - Leaving Canada to Commit Offence that is Terrorist Activity
83.21(1) - Instructing to Carry out Activity for Terrorist Group
83.21(2) - Prosecution
83.22(1) - Instructing to Carry out Terrorist Activity
83.22(2) - Prosecution
83.23(1) - Concealing Person who Carried out Terrorist Activity
83.23(2) - Concealing Person who is Likely to Carry out Terrorist Activity
83.231(1) - Hoax Terrorist Activity
83.231(2) - Punishment
83.231(3) - Causing Bodily Harm
83.231(4) - Causing Death
83.24 - Attorney Generals Consent
83.25(1) - Jurisdiction
83.25(2) - Trial and Punishment
83.26 - Sentences to be Served Consecutively
83.27(1) - Punishment for Terrorist Activity
83.27(2) - Offender must be Notified
83.28(1) - Definition of judge
83.28(2) - Order for Gathering Information
83.28(3) - Attorney General's Consent
83.28(4) - Making of Order
83.28(5) - Contents of Order
83.28(6) - Execution of Order
83.28(7) - Variation of Order
83.28(8) - Obligation to Answer Questions and Produce Things
83.28(9) - Judge to Rule
83.28(10) - No Person Excused from Complying with Subsection (8)
83.28(11) - Right to Counsel
83.28(12) - Order for Custody of Thing
83.29(1) - Arrest Warrant
83.29(2) - Execution of Warrant
83.29(3) - Person to be Brought Before Judge
83.29(4) - Application of Section 707
83.3(1) - Attorney General's Consent
83.3(2) - Terrorist Activity
83.3(3) - Appearance
83.3(4) - Arrest without a Warrant
83.3(5) - Duty of Peace Officer
83.3(6) - When Person to be Taken Before Judge
83.3(7) - How Person Dealt With
83.3(8) - Hearing Before Judge
83.3(9) - Refusal to Enter into Recognizance
83.3(10) - Conditions- Firearms
83.3(11) - Surrender, etc.
83.3(12) - Reasons
83.3(13) - Variance of Conditions
83.3(14) - Other Provisions to Apply
83.31(1.1) - Attorney General's Opinion
83.31(1) - Annual Report (Sections 83.28 and 83.29)
83.31(2) - Annual Report
83.31(3) - Annual Report
83.31(3.1) - Opinions
83.31(4) - Limitation
83.32(1) - Sunset Provision
83.32(1.1) - Review
83.32(1.2) - Report
83.32(2) - Order in Council
83.32(3) - Rules
83.32(4) - Subsequent Extensions
83.32(5) - Definition of Sitting Day of Parliament
83.33(1) - Transitional Provision Sections 83.28 and 83.29
83.33(2) - Transitional Provision Section 83.3
84(1) - Definition of Superior Court
84(1) - Definition of Transfer
84(1) - Definition of Restricted Weapon
84(1) - Definition of Restricted Firearm
84(1) - Definition of Replica Firearm
84(1) - Definition of Registration Certificate
84(1) - Definition of Registrar
84(1) - Definition of Prohibition Order
84(1) - Definition of Prohibited Weapon
84(1) - Definition of Prohibited Firearm
84(1) - Definition of Prohibited Device
84(1) - Definition of Prohibited Ammunition
84(1) - Definition of Import
84(1) - Defintion of Licence
84(1) - Definition of Prescribed
84(1) - Definition of Imitation Firearm
84(1) - Definition of Handgun
84(1) - Definition of Firearms Officer
84(1) - Definition of Cross-bow
84(1) - Definition of Export
84(1) - Definition of Commissioner of Firearms
84(1) - Definition of Chief Firearms Officer
84(1) - Definition of Cartridge Magazine
84(1) - Definition of Automatic Firearm
84(1) - Definition of Authorization
84(1) - Definition of Antique Firearm
84(1) - Definition of Ammunition
84(2) - Barrel Length
84(3) - Certain Weapons Deemed not to be Firearms
84(3.1) - Exception Antique Firearms
84(4) - Meaning of Holder
84(5) - Subsequent Offences
84(6) - Subsequence of Convictions Only
85(1) - Using Firearm in Commission of Offence
85(2) - Using Imitation Firearm in Commission of Offence
85(3) - Punishment
85(4) - Sentences to be Served Consecutively
86(1) - Careless Use of Firearm, etc.
86(2) - Contravention of Storage Regulations, etc.
86(3) - Punishment
87(1) - Pointing a Firearm
87(2) - Punishment
88(1) - Possession of Weapon for Dangerous Purpose
88(2) - Punishment
89(1) - Carrying Weapon While Attending Public Meeting
89(2) - Punishment
90(1) - Carrying Concealed Weapon
90(2) - Punishment
91(1) - Unauthorized Possession of Firearm
91(2) - Unauthorized Possession of Prohibited Weapon or Restricted Weapon
91(3) - Punishment
91(4) - Exceptions
92(1) - Possession of Firearm Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized
92(2) - Possession of Prohibited Weapon, Device or Ammunition Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized
92(3) - Punishment
92(4) - Exceptions
93(1) - Possession at Unauthorized Place
93(2) - Punishment
93(3) - Exception
94(1) - Unauthorized Possession in Motor Vehicle
94(2) - Punishment
94(3) - Exception
94(4) - Exception
95(1) - Possession of Prohibited or Restricted Firearm with Ammunition
95(2) - Punishment
95(3) - Exception
96(1) - Possession of Weapon Obtained by Commission of Offence
96(2) - Punishment
96(3) - Exception
98(1) - Breaking and Entering to Steal Firearm
98(2) - Definitions of Break and Place
98(3) - Entrance
98(4) - Punishment
98.1 - Robbery to Steal Firearm
99(1) - Weapons Trafficking
99(2) - Punishment- Firearm
99(3) - Punishment- Other Cases