Criminal Code of Canada - section 2 - Definition of night

section 2


This section defines the term night as the period between 9pm and 6am.


2. In this Act, "night" means the period between nine o’clock in the afternoon and six o’clock in the forenoon of the following day;


Section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides a definition for the term night" in relation to the provisions of the Act. According to this section, night" is the period of time between nine o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning of the following day. This definition is important for several reasons. First, it provides clarity and guidance for law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and judges who may need to interpret the provisions of the Criminal Code that refer to specific times of day or night. Second, it helps ensure consistency in the application of the law across different jurisdictions, as the definition is standardized across Canada. The definition of night" is particularly relevant in the context of certain crimes, such as break-ins, which typically occur under the cover of darkness. Other offences that may be affected by this definition include curfew violations, liquor violations, and noise disturbances. By providing a clear definition of night," Section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada helps to ensure that the criminal justice system operates fairly and effectively, and that offenders are held accountable for their actions in a timely and consistent manner. Ultimately, this section plays an important role in maintaining public safety and upholding the rule of law in Canada.


Section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada defines "night". This may seem like a mundane detail, but it is actually quite important when it comes to determining the severity of certain crimes and their associated penalties. For example, certain offences, such as breaking and entering, are considered to be more serious if they are committed at night. The definition of "night" provided in this section is also significant because it helps to standardize the legal system. By providing a clear and unambiguous definition, the Criminal Code ensures that everyone is on the same page when it comes to interpreting the law. This helps to prevent confusion and can help to ensure that cases are judged fairly and consistently. It is worth noting that the definition of "night" provided in Section 2 is somewhat outdated. In today's world, many people stay up later than nine o'clock in the evening. Additionally, the use of a 12-hour clock system may be confusing for some individuals who are accustomed to using a 24-hour clock. However, despite these potential limitations, the definition of "night" provided in this section of the Criminal Code remains the standard for legal purposes. One potential issue with this definition of "night" is that it may not be appropriate for all regions of Canada. For example, in the far north, where daylight hours can be extremely limited during certain times of the year, it may not make sense to define "night" as the period between nine o'clock in the evening and six o'clock in the morning. In these cases, it may be more appropriate to use a different definition of "night" that reflects the unique daylight patterns of the region. Overall, while Section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada may seem like a small detail, it plays an important role in ensuring that the Canadian legal system is fair, consistent, and standardized. It is likely that this section will continue to be an important reference point for legal practitioners for many years to come.


Section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that defines night" for the purposes of the criminal law. Understanding the definition of night" is essential for those who might be involved in criminal activity during this time period. The section has several strategic considerations for individuals who are involved with criminal activity, including police officers, prosecutors, defence lawyers, and accused persons. Some strategies that could be employed include taking advantage of procedural requirements, using alternative explanations and evidence, exploring plea agreements, and vigorously defending against any charges. One of the primary strategic considerations when dealing with Section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada is timing. Criminal activity that takes place during the defined period of night" can result in more serious charges, such as breaking and entering, mischief, or possession of a weapon. For police officers and prosecutors, this means focusing their investigative efforts during the evening and early morning hours, when criminal activity is more likely to occur. For defence lawyers and accused persons, this means being aware of the fact that any actions they take during the night could carry additional legal consequences. Another strategic consideration when dealing with Section 2 is procedural requirements. In order for a crime to be prosecuted as a nighttime offence, the prosecutor must prove that the activity occurred between the hours of 9 pm and 6 am. This may require detailed evidence, such as surveillance footage, witness testimony, or GPS data. For defence lawyers, this can create opportunities to challenge the admissibility or accuracy of this evidence, which could help to weaken the prosecution's case. A third strategic consideration when dealing with Section 2 is alternative explanations and evidence. For example, even if an accused person is arrested during the night, it may be possible to argue that the activity occurred outside of the defined period of time. Similarly, if an accused person has a legitimate reason for being out during the night, such as travelling for work or attending to a family emergency, this could be used to explain any suspicious activity that was observed. For defence lawyers, developing alternative explanations and gathering supportive evidence could help to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury or judge. A fourth strategic consideration when dealing with Section 2 is plea agreements. For some accused persons, it may be in their best interest to plead guilty to a lesser offence in order to avoid the more serious penalties that come with a conviction for a nighttime offence. Prosecutors may also be willing to offer plea agreements in order to secure a conviction, especially if they are concerned about the strength of their case. Finally, a fifth strategy for dealing with Section 2 is vigorously defending against any charges. This could involve challenging the prosecution's evidence, cross-examining witnesses, and presenting expert testimony to create doubt in the mind of the jury or judge. Defence lawyers may also consider presenting alternative explanations or evidence, as discussed above. Additionally, because nighttime offences tend to carry more serious penalties, it may be worthwhile for accused persons to invest in a strong defence to ensure that they receive a fair trial and avoid any excessive punishments that could be imposed. Overall, understanding and dealing with Section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada requires careful attention to timing, procedural requirements, alternative explanations and evidence, plea agreements, and defence strategies. By taking a strategic approach, each party can work to achieve their desired outcome, whether that means securing a conviction, avoiding a conviction, or reaching a compromise through a plea agreement.