Criminal Code of Canada - section 244.2(2) - definition of place

section 244.2(2)


This section defines place for the purpose of harassment through electronic communication.


244.2(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(a), "place" means any building or structure — or part of one — or any motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, railway vehicle, container or trailer.


Section 244.2(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada defines the term "place" for the purpose of paragraph 1(a). Paragraph 1(a) stipulates that a person commits an offense by gaining entry into a place with the intent to commit an offense. This definition of "place" is essential in understanding the scope of this provision in the Criminal Code. The section is straightforward and emphasizes that a 'place' refers to any building, or structure, part of a building or a structure, or any mobile mode of transport such as a motor vehicle, vessel, aircraft, railway vehicle, container, or trailer. This definition means that entering any of the above places without permission intending to carry out a criminal offense is a criminal offense in itself. This law has significance in the context of criminal investigations and prosecutions as it establishes the parameters under which investigators and prosecutors can act. It means that to charge someone with offenses under this provision, they must have entered any of the designated "places" with the intention of committing an offense. This section provides a broad definition of a "place" to ensure that more significant categories of establishments fall under the Criminal Code's provisions. It ensures that anyone who intends to commit a criminal offense in any of these places can be arrested and charged by the authorities. It is important to note that this provision also applies to cases where the offense committed is not limited to breaking and entering or theft. Overall, section 244.2(2) ensures that individuals do not violate the law and break into buildings or other designated places with the intention of committing an offense, creating a safer environment for everyone.


Section 244.2(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada defines the term place" in regards to legislation around terrorism and terrorist activity. This particular piece of legislation is incredibly significant in defining what areas are considered targets for terrorist activity, and therefore subject to increased security measures. As such, it is important to understand the implications and interpretations of this definition. The definition outlined in section 244.2(2) is intentionally broad, encompassing a wide variety of types of structures and vehicles. This is likely due to the fact that terrorists may target various types of areas, and it is important for the legislation to be inclusive in order to effectively protect against acts of terrorism. Essentially, any building, part of a building, or any type of vehicle or vessel can be considered a place" in the context of this legislation. Additionally, the term structure" is specifically included in the definition, which is notable because it encompasses more than just traditional buildings. For example, structures such as bridges, towers, or communication infrastructure may also be considered places" under this definition. This level of inclusivity is necessary to ensure that all potential targets of terrorist activity are accounted for in the legislation. Furthermore, the inclusion of vehicles in the definition is particularly significant. This acknowledges that terrorists may use vehicles as weapons, as seen in incidents such as the attacks in London and Nice in recent years. Therefore, law enforcement and security measures must not only focus on stationary structures but also take into account moving vehicles. However, the broadness of this definition also raises potential issues in terms of the application of the law. For example, it is possible that some areas may be unnecessarily targeted as potential places" for terrorist activity due to their categorization as a building or vehicle. This could potentially lead to over-policing and civil liberties violations, as individuals may face increased surveillance and scrutiny in these areas. Additionally, there may be situations where it is unclear whether a particular area falls under the definition of a place". For example, what if a terrorist attack were to occur in an open-air market or festival? Would this be considered a place" under the Criminal Code? Without clear guidelines, it could be challenging for law enforcement and the courts to determine what areas are subject to the increased security measures outlined in the legislation. In conclusion, section 244.2(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides a broad definition of the term place" in regards to terrorism and terrorist activity. While this inclusivity is necessary to effectively combat potential threats, there may be potential issues in terms of over-policing and ambiguity around what areas are subject to increased security measures. It is important to ensure that civil liberties are not violated in the process of protecting against acts of terrorism.


Section 244.2(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada defines place" for the purposes of section 244.2(1)(a). This section pertains to the offence of hostage-taking, which carries severe penalties and consequences. Hostage-taking is a severe crime that endangers the lives of innocent people and may also result in severe social and economic damage. Therefore, strategic considerations are critical when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code. The first strategy that could be employed is to ensure that the definition of place" is adequately understood by law enforcement and relevant stakeholders. There should be an emphasis on training police officers and prosecutors to comprehend the scope of this section of the Criminal Code of Canada. Given the many forms of a place," it is essential to know how the provision applies to each. This knowledge will enable law enforcement officials to better identify and deal with hostage-taking incidents. Secondly, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of gathering evidence in hostage-taking cases. Hostage-taking investigations require thorough investigations to ensure that the necessary evidence is gathered to support charges under this Criminal Code section. The prosecution must rely on the evidence collected to support the allegation that a person unlawfully confined or detained someone with the intention of using the individual as a hostage. Another strategy would be to recognize the importance of the victim's safety in hostage-taking cases. Law enforcement officials must prioritize ensuring the safety of the hostages when responding to these incidents. They can use various tactics such as negotiation, intelligence gathering, and deployment of specialized teams to resolve the situation without causing harm to the hostages. Additionally, awareness campaigns and education programs must be introduced to curb the occurrence of hostage-taking incidents. Members of the public must be informed of the risks and consequences associated with hostage-taking. Furthermore, there should be a widespread crackdown on criminal organizations that perpetrate this crime. Finally, it is necessary to provide psychological and emotional support to the victims of hostage-taking. This support may come in the form of counseling, medical attention, or compensation for damages or losses suffered due to the victim's confinement or detention. When victims receive care and support, they recover better and may be less likely to suffer from long-term psychological and emotional damage. In conclusion, dealing with section 244.2(2) requires a strategic approach that emphasizes the importance of training, evidence gathering, victim safety, awareness campaigns, and psychological and emotional support. Hostage-taking is a severe crime that must be dealt with swiftly, and all efforts must be made to prevent its occurrence. The implementation of these strategies will ensure that all parties can deal with this Criminal Code section with clarity, efficiency, and compassion.