section 462(2)


This section allows peace officers to seize and detain counterfeit money, tokens, and related materials for disposal by the Minister of Finance.


462(2) A peace officer may seize and detain (a) counterfeit money, (b) counterfeit tokens of value, and (c) machines, engines, tools, instruments, materials or things that have been used or that have been adapted and are intended for use in making counterfeit money or counterfeit tokens of value, and anything seized shall be sent to the Minister of Finance to be disposed of or dealt with as he may direct, but anything that is required as evidence in any proceedings shall not be sent to the Minister until it is no longer required in those proceedings.


Section 462(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides legal authorization for peace officers to seize and detain certain items related to counterfeit money and tokens of value. This section aims to combat the production, circulation, and use of counterfeit currency and tokens in Canada. The section gives peace officers the power to seize counterfeit money, counterfeit tokens of value, and any materials or instruments that have been used or adapted for the purpose of producing counterfeit money or tokens. This enables law enforcement to prevent the further production and use of counterfeit currency. It is important to note that anything seized under this section should be sent to the Minister of Finance to be disposed of or dealt with according to their discretion. However, if an item is required as evidence in any legal proceedings, it cannot be sent to the Minister until it is no longer needed as evidence. This ensures the preservation of legal evidence for use in court. This section of the Criminal Code demonstrates the government's commitment to preventing financial crimes and maintaining the integrity of Canada's economy. It allows for the swift and efficient action against anyone who engages in counterfeiting, and provides a clear legal framework for its prosecution.


Section 462(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that empowers peace officers to seize and detain items related to counterfeiting offenses. It serves as a critical tool for law enforcement in their efforts to combat the production and circulation of counterfeit money and tokens of value. The provision is designed to ensure that those involved in counterfeiting activities are brought to justice, and the ill-gotten gains are removed from circulation. The provision is relatively straightforward in its scope. It allows peace officers to seize and detain counterfeit money, counterfeit tokens of value, and tools or materials used in their production. This includes machines, engines, tools, instruments, and other objects that have been adapted or are intended for use in making counterfeit money or tokens of value. The provision also requires that anything seized must be sent to the Minister of Finance for disposal or management. The primary purpose of Section 462(2) is to prevent counterfeit money and tokens of value from circulating in the economy. Counterfeit currency can have a devastating impact on national economies and individual citizens alike. When counterfeit bills are in circulation, it can undermine confidence in the currency, leading to inflation and other economic disruptions. Additionally, individuals who unknowingly accept counterfeit bills may face severe financial losses and legal consequences. Furthermore, the production and circulation of counterfeit currency are often linked to other criminal activities, such as drug trafficking, human smuggling, and terrorism. Criminal organizations frequently rely on counterfeit currency as a means of financing their operations. Thus, seizing and detaining counterfeit money and related items can lead to broader investigations and ultimately the dismantling of criminal networks. Overall, Section 462(2) is a critical provision in the Criminal Code of Canada. It provides law enforcement officials with the tools necessary to combat counterfeiting and ensure the integrity of the national currency. Additionally, the provision serves as a deterrent to individuals and organizations engaged in illegal activities related to the production and circulation of counterfeit currency. By seizing and detaining these items, the government can effectively disrupt criminal networks and prevent further harm to society.


Strategic considerations when dealing with Section 462(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada center around the effective seizure, detention, and disposal of counterfeit money, tokens, and related equipment. Law enforcement agencies and individual investigators involved in operations targeting counterfeiters must approach their work with a clear understanding of the legal requirements involved in seizing and detaining counterfeit materials and equipment. They must also be knowledgeable about the logistics of transporting these items to the specified location for disposal. In addition to the legal and logistical considerations, there are potential operational challenges that investigators and law enforcement agencies must be aware of when working with Section 462(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada. These issues include threats to personal safety and the risk of damage to seized equipment during transportation. One strategy for dealing with the risks associated with Section 462(2) is to develop comprehensive investigation protocols. These protocols should include guidance on how to safely approach and engage with potential counterfeiters, as well as best practices for handling, storing, transporting, and disposing of seized equipment. These protocols should also include provisions for ongoing training, quality control, and evaluation to ensure that they are effective and up-to-date. Another key strategy for dealing with Section 462(2) is to establish strong partnerships and collaborations between law enforcement agencies and other key stakeholders. This may include working closely with financial institutions, regulatory agencies, and other government bodies to share information, coordinate operations, and develop effective strategies for combating counterfeit crime. Finally, an effective strategy for dealing with Section 462(2) requires a strong commitment to ongoing research and development. This may involve investing in new technologies and tools that can help investigators and law enforcement agencies detect and prosecute counterfeiting crimes more effectively. It may also include engaging with academic researchers and other experts to identify emerging trends and develop new strategies for combating counterfeit crime. Overall, the effective use of Section 462(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada requires a multidisciplinary and strategic approach. By developing comprehensive protocols, establishing partnerships and collaborations, and investing in ongoing research and development, investigators and law enforcement agencies can help ensure that they are able to effectively detect, seize, and prosecute counterfeit crimes.