Criminal Code of Canada - section 551.1(1) - Appointment

section 551.1(1)


This section allows a judge to be appointed as a case management judge for a trial if necessary for the proper administration of justice.


551.1(1) On application by the prosecutor or the accused or on his or her own motion, the Chief Justice or the Chief Judge of the court before which a trial is to be or is being held or the judge that the Chief Justice or the Chief Judge designates may, if he or she is of the opinion that it is necessary for the proper administration of justice, appoint a judge as the case management judge for that trial at any time before the jury selection, if the trial is before a judge and jury, or before the stage at which the evidence on the merits is presented, if the trial is being heard by a judge without a jury or a provincial court judge.


Section 551.1(1) of Canada's Criminal Code enables the initiation of case management for criminal trials. The section states that the prosecutor, the accused, or the judge can request the appointment of a case management judge if it is deemed necessary for the proper administration of justice. This appointment can take place at any time before jury selection or the stage at which evidence on the merits is presented in case the trial is being heard by a judge without a jury or a provincial court judge. The role of the case management judge is to direct and coordinate pretrial procedures to simplify the trial process, reduce delay, and minimize any chance of abuse of legal procedures. Upon appointment, the case management judge takes on various responsibilities, including setting trial dates, identifying potential legal issues, and ensuring disclosure and production of relevant evidence. The case management judge also plays a pivotal role in reducing the backlog of cases in the court system. Taking on a proactive approach, they can identify issues early on and facilitate the resolution of issues before trial to improve the efficiency of the judicial process. Overall, section 551.1(1) of the Criminal Code promotes the effective management of criminal trials and streamlines the judicial process in the interest of justice for all parties involved.


Section 551.1(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada grants judges the power to appoint a case management judge to oversee the proceedings of a trial if they feel it is necessary for the proper administration of justice. This section aims to improve the efficiency of the court system by ensuring that a judge is appointed to manage and monitor the proceedings of a trial from start to finish. The appointment of a case management judge can benefit all parties involved in a trial, including the prosecutor, the accused, and the court system as a whole. For the prosecutor and the accused, having a case management judge oversee the trial can help to ensure that proceedings are conducted in an orderly and efficient manner, promoting the fair and timely delivery of justice. For the court system, having a judge specifically assigned to manage the case can help to reduce backlog and speed up the resolution of trials. The appointment of a case management judge can also be beneficial in more complicated trials, such as those involving multiple accused persons, extensive evidence, or complex legal issues. In these cases, a case management judge can oversee pre-trial procedures, such as disclosure, motions, and pre-trial conferences, to ensure that the trial proceeds as smoothly as possible. Additionally, the appointment of a case management judge can help to prevent delays and conflicts that might arise during the trial. For example, if the prosecutor or the accused has concerns about the fairness or impartiality of a judge, they can request the appointment of a case management judge to oversee the proceedings to ensure that their concerns are addressed and that the trial is conducted fairly. Overall, Section 551.1(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an essential provision that promotes the proper administration of justice by ensuring that trials are conducted in an efficient, timely, and fair manner. By allowing the appointment of a case management judge, this section helps to reduce backlog, prevent delays and conflicts, and promote the efficient resolution of criminal trials. It is a critical provision of the Criminal Code of Canada that emphasizes the importance of efficiency, fairness, and impartiality in the court system.


Section 551.1(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a valuable tool for prosecutors and accused persons to ensure that the trial proceeds smoothly and efficiently. The appointment of a case management judge under this section can help to streamline the trial process and ensure that all parties are on the same page. One strategic consideration when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code is timing. An application for the appointment of a case management judge can be made at any time before the jury selection, if the trial is before a judge and jury, or before the stage at which the evidence on the merits is presented, if the trial is being heard by a judge without a jury or a provincial court judge. Therefore, parties should consider when it would be most advantageous to make their application. For example, if there are multiple pre-trial applications or motions that need to be dealt with, it may be beneficial to wait until these are resolved before requesting the appointment of a case management judge. Another strategic consideration is the selection of the case management judge. The Chief Justice or Chief Judge of the court before which the trial is to be or is being held will appoint a judge as the case management judge. However, parties may have some influence over who is selected. For example, they could provide information to the Chief Justice or Chief Judge about the type of trial it will be, the issues involved, and the skills and experience that would be valuable in a case management judge. Strategies that could be employed when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code include: - Communicating with opposing counsel: It may be helpful to discuss the possibility of seeking the appointment of a case management judge with opposing counsel. If both parties agree that it would be beneficial, they could make a joint request to the Chief Justice or Chief Judge. - Providing information to the Chief Justice or Chief Judge: Parties could provide information to the Chief Justice or Chief Judge about the nature of the trial and the issues involved. This could help to ensure that the judge appointed as case management judge has the necessary skills and experience. - Preparing a case management plan: Once a case management judge is appointed, the parties will need to work with the judge to develop a case management plan. This plan will outline the steps that will be taken leading up to and during the trial. Parties should be proactive in preparing this plan and ensuring that it meets their needs. Overall, section 551.1(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides an opportunity for parties to ensure that their trial proceeds in an efficient and effective manner. By carefully considering the timing of their application, influencing the selection of the case management judge, and working collaboratively on a case management plan, parties can make the most of this powerful tool.