section 753.01(3)


The court can extend the deadline for filing a report by 30 days upon prosecutors application.


753.01(3) On application by the prosecutor, the court may extend the period within which the report must be filed by a maximum of 30 days if the court is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to do so.


Section 753.01(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada pertains to the extension of time for filing a report. The report in question refers to a pre-sentence report that is prepared by the probation officer to provide the court with information about an offender's background and circumstances in order to determine an appropriate sentence. The report is required to be filed with the court within a specified timeframe, but in certain circumstances, it may be necessary to extend the deadline. The section allows the prosecutor to make an application to the court to extend the period within which the report must be filed by a maximum of 30 days. However, the court will only grant the extension if it is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for doing so. The courts may grant an extension if the probation officer requires more time to gather information or if there are unforeseen circumstances that have stalled the process. It is important to note that extensions should only be granted in cases where it is necessary to properly assess an offender's circumstances and make informed sentencing decisions. Allowing extensions for no justifiable reason may delay court proceedings and could mean an offender is left waiting in custody for longer than necessary. Overall, section 753.01(3) serves to ensure that pre-sentence reports are completed with sufficient information to assist in the court's decision-making process while also recognizing the importance of timely resolution of cases.


Section 753.01(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada allows for the extension of the time period within which a report must be filed by a maximum of 30 days upon application by the prosecutor, provided that the court is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to do so. This section of the Criminal Code is significant as it allows for flexibility in the court process and recognizes that there may be circumstances beyond the control of the prosecutor that require additional time to complete the report. The requirement for the preparation of a report is a crucial step in the court process, and is typically ordered by the court in cases where an offender has been found guilty of a serious crime. The report is designed to provide the court with information about the offender, their background, and their risk of reoffending. It is an important tool for the court in determining the appropriate sentence, and is often used to provide recommendations about the type of sentence that will be most effective in reducing the likelihood of future offending. There are many different factors that may impact the ability of the prosecutor to prepare a report within the required time period. For example, the complexity of the case, the availability of relevant information, and the workload of the probation officer assigned to the case may all be factors that contribute to delays in the preparation of the report. In some cases, unforeseen circumstances may also arise that prevent the report from being completed within the required time period, such as illness or family emergencies. Without the ability to extend the time period for filing the report, the court may be forced to make a decision about sentence without the benefit of a thorough report. This could have serious consequences, particularly if the report is incomplete or inaccurate. Allowing for an extension of the time period, however, allows the prosecutor to take the time necessary to ensure that the report is comprehensive and reflects the best possible information about the offender. It is important to note, however, that the court will not grant an extension of time lightly. The prosecutor must demonstrate that there are reasonable grounds for the extension, and the court must be satisfied that the extension is necessary in the interests of justice. This means that the prosecutor must provide compelling reasons why additional time is necessary, and must take steps to minimize any delay that might occur. The court will also consider the impact of the delay on the victim, the community, and the administration of justice more generally. In conclusion, section 753.01(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides an important tool for the court system, allowing for flexibility and recognizing that unforeseen circumstances may arise that impact the ability of the prosecutor to prepare a report within the required time period. While the extension of time is not granted lightly, it is an important provision that helps to ensure that the court is able to make informed decisions about sentence, and that justice is served in an effective and fair manner.


Section 753.01(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides provisions for the extension of the period within which the report must be filed. The section states that the court may extend the period by a maximum of 30 days if the prosecutor can provide reasonable grounds for such an extension. Such provisions can be vital for prosecutors and accused individuals in a variety of criminal cases. However, some strategic considerations may be useful when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code of Canada. One of the strategic considerations when dealing with section 753.01(3) is the timing of the application. Prosecutors should ensure that they file for an extension promptly and the accused has the requisite notice. This assertion is crucial since the court may deny an application for an extension if it is filed too late or with insufficient notice. The prosecutor should also ensure that all the necessary documents and evidence are available before making the application. This will enable the prosecutor to make a compelling case for the extension and prevent unnecessary delays in the proceedings. Another strategic consideration when dealing with section 753.01(3) is the reason for the extension. The prosecutor has to provide reasonable grounds for the extension, as stated in the section. Therefore, the prosecutor should have a compelling reason for the extension, which could include issues of complexity, availability of experts, and unforeseen circumstances. A well supported and reasonable extension request would increase the chances of acceptance by the court. Conversely, accused individuals and their defense team should be aware of the extension period provision under the Criminal Code. They should take advantage of this provision by making representations to the prosecutor for the shortest extension period possible. By doing this, the accused individual can prevent unreasonable delays, which can result in potential prejudice to their case, including increased frustration, loss of evidence, and memory loss. Moreover, defensive counsel should also consider making an application for a stay of proceedings in circumstances in which it is in the interests of justice. This may be appropriate, for example, if the delay has gone beyond the extension period, and there are no reasonable grounds for another extension. The defense counsel can argue that the delay violates the accused's right to a fair trial and that the charges should be stayed. In conclusion, section 753.01(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides an opportunity for both prosecutors and accused individuals to strengthen their arguments and case preparations. The strategic application of the provision can enable a well-rounded, comprehensive legal approach that can be implemented for the accused's benefit or the prosecutor's advantage. Prosecutors should ensure a prompt fill of the request accompanied by well-supported reasonable grounds, while defense counsel should include the provision in their legal strategy to prevent unreasonable delays.