section 83.08(1)


This section prohibits dealing with property owned or controlled by a terrorist group, facilitating transactions related to such property, and providing financial or related services to a terrorist group.


83.08 (1) No person in Canada and no Canadian outside Canada shall knowingly (a) deal directly or indirectly in any property that is owned or controlled by or on behalf of a terrorist group; (b) enter into or facilitate, directly or indirectly, any transaction in respect of property referred to in paragraph (a); or (c) provide any financial or other related services in respect of property referred to in paragraph (a) to, for the benefit of or at the direction of a terrorist group.


Section 83.08(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a criminal offence that prohibits individuals within and outside Canada from knowingly involving themselves in any activity linked to terrorist groups. The section describes three main activities that are illegal: dealing with any property that is owned or controlled by or on behalf of a terrorist group, engaging in or facilitating any transaction related to that property, and providing any financial or other services related to the property to, for the benefit of, or at the direction of a terrorist group. This provision was introduced as a response to the global issue of terrorism, which poses a significant threat to national and international security as well as public safety. The provisions are intended to prevent the financing of terrorism and the provision of resources and support to terrorist organizations by Canadian citizens or residents, irrespective of their location. The provision criminalizes any direct or indirect engagement by a person with any property, financial or other services that are owned or controlled by terrorist groups. This prohibits any form of financial and material support that could assist terrorist groups to carry out their activities. For instance, individuals are not allowed to contribute resources to terrorist groups such as providing money, equipment, or supplies. Individuals and groups found to be contravening this section may be subject to serious criminal penalties, including fines and imprisonment. Overall, this provision is a crucial part of Canada's criminal justice system that aims to prevent the financing and support of terrorism. It also serves as a warning to anyone who might attempt to engage in any activities that could be linked to terrorism. The Canadian government is committed to ensuring that its citizens and residents remain safe from terror threats, and this provision is one way of achieving that objective.


The world has witnessed a significant increase in terrorist activities in recent years, and Canada is not exempt from their impact. To address this issue, Canada introduced Section 83.08(1) of the Criminal Code, which prohibits individuals within and outside Canada from knowingly dealing with property owned or controlled by a terrorist group. The section criminalizes all acts that facilitate transactions, provide financial services, and, in general, conduct any commercial activity on behalf of terrorist groups. This provision is significant because it imposes heavy penalties on individuals who engage in any of the prohibited activities. Those convicted can face a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a hefty fine. This provision is necessary and in line with Canada's zero-tolerance policy towards terrorism. Terrorism is a global problem that poses a significant threat not only to individual countries but also to the international community as a whole. As such, it requires a collective response. Canada's Section 83.08(1) is a step towards that collective response by ensuring that even Canadians abroad cannot provide financial or other services to terrorist groups. The provision is designed to cripple terrorist groups by denying them access to financial resources. When terrorist groups' sources of funding are cut off, their ability to carry out their activities is severely compromised. It is well known that terrorist organizations rely heavily on financial support from sympathizers, wealthy individuals, and criminal activities such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and extortion. By criminalizing any facilitation of terrorist funding, Canada is putting a significant dent in the funding of these groups and hindering their ability to operate effectively. Section 83.08(1) also demonstrates Canada's commitment to the UN's Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, which identifies cutting off the flow of funds to terrorist organizations as one of the most significant mechanisms to combat terrorism. As an active member of the global community, Canada recognizes the need to contribute to the fight against terrorism. Moreover, Canada's Section 83.08(1) is not only a preventive measure against terrorism but also a deterrent. It sends a clear message to those contemplating involvement with terrorist groups that the consequences of such involvement are severe. It acts as an incentive for individuals to abandon any plans to aid terrorist activities, knowing that the law will not tolerate such actions. In conclusion, Canada's Section 83.08(1) of the Criminal Code provides a critical tool in the fight against terrorism. The prohibition of dealing with property owned or controlled by terrorist groups, and the provision of financial and other related services to such groups, is a necessary step in eradicating terrorism. This provision sends a clear message that any form of support for terrorist activity will not be tolerated. As Canada continues to play a leadership role in the fight against terrorism, Section 83.08(1) will remain an essential provision in protecting Canadians and the international community from the threats of terrorism.


Section 83.08(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial provision in the Canadian legal framework for countering terrorism financing. It delineates specific prohibitions against financial transactions that might support the activities of terrorist groups. Adherence to this provision requires an understanding of its interpretation, the implications of non-compliance, and the measures that need to be taken to ensure compliance. For companies, compliance with the provision can be best achieved by developing rigorous risk management frameworks, due diligence processes, and training programs for employees. One of the most important strategic considerations when dealing with this section is to establish mechanisms for identifying and assessing risk factors that may lead to non-compliance. For instance, companies should identify the jurisdictions where terrorist financing activities have been recorded, the type of products and services they offer, and the customer segments that may be prone to abuse or exploitation by terrorist organizations. On the basis of the risk assessment, companies can develop appropriate policies, procedures, and controls to mitigate the identified risks. Another critical strategic consideration is to establish appropriate due diligence processes for customers and transactions. Companies need to verify the identity of the customer and their source of funds. Carrying out this process often requires the collection of personal information about the customer. As a result, companies must establish a data protection regime that is compliant with the relevant privacy regulations. Due diligence should also be conducted on intermediaries, such as agents, brokers, and suppliers, to ensure they are not facilitating transactions involving terrorist financing. A third strategic consideration is the role of training and awareness-building programs for employees. Effective training can assist employees in recognizing their vulnerabilities and understanding the risks of non-compliance. Training programs also help employees identify suspicious activities and report any concerns. Employees should receive regular training and detailed instructions on compliance with the Criminal Code and relevant regulations. One strategy that could be employed is conducting a transaction monitoring program. A transaction monitoring program can assist in identifying suspicious transactions that may be indicative of terrorist financing. The program can incorporate mechanisms such as rules-based screening, pattern analysis, and data analytics to detect patterns of unusual behavior or unusual transactional flows. Implementing these strategic considerations often requires significant resources, including financial, human, and technological resources. However, companies that implement appropriate controls and comply with the provisions of the Criminal Code protect their reputation and negate the risk of legal prosecution. Furthermore, compliance also acts as a deterrent to terrorists and denies them the opportunity to benefit from the proceeds of terrorism financing. In conclusion, section 83.08(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada is integral to Canada's counter-terrorism financing regime. By comprehending and fully complying with this provision, companies can contribute to combating terrorism financing and safeguarding national security. The implementation of risk management frameworks, due diligence processes, training programs, and transaction monitoring programs are all critical strategies for ensuring compliance and deterring terrorist financing.