Criminal Code of Canada - section 207(3) - Offence

section 207(3)


This section makes it illegal to conduct or participate in a lottery scheme without authorization, with penalties ranging from summary conviction to imprisonment for up to two years.


207(3) Every one who, for the purposes of a lottery scheme, does anything that is not authorized by or pursuant to a provision of this section (a) in the case of the conduct, management or operation of that lottery scheme, (i) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or (ii) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction; or (b) in the case of participating in that lottery scheme, is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.


Section 207(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada pertains to lottery schemes. The section prohibits individuals from engaging in any conduct, management, or operation of a lottery scheme that is not authorized by or done in accordance with the provisions of the section. Similarly, individuals who participate in such unauthorized lottery schemes are also guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction. It is important to understand what a "lottery scheme" entails under Canadian law. The section defines this term as "any dice, game, machine, contrivance or apparatus" used for the disposition of property, with participants providing a consideration to win a prize. A lottery scheme can include activities such as raffles, bingos, and other games of chance. Section 207(3) seeks to regulate such activities and ensure they are conducted in a fair and lawful manner. It applies to individuals running and participating in illegal lottery schemes, providing penalties in the form of summary conviction or imprisonment (not exceeding two years). The section also provides certain exemptions for authorized and regulated lottery schemes, such as those under the jurisdiction of the government. It lays out requirements and limitations for such activities to ensure that they do not become a conduit for illicit activities, such as money laundering or organized crime. In summary, section 207(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada seeks to protect the public from fraudulent and illegal lottery schemes by regulating such activities and imposing penalties for unauthorized conduct. This provision ensures that lottery schemes are conducted in a fair and transparent manner, preventing individuals from exploiting these activities for personal gain.


The Criminal Code of Canada is the primary legal document that outlines the various criminal offenses that can be committed within the country. One particular section of the code that is of interest is section 207(3), which stipulates the penalties for engaging in a lottery scheme that is not authorized by law. In this commentary, we will examine this section of the code in detail and assess its role in protecting the public from illicit gambling activities. Section 207(3) deals specifically with the conduct, management, and operation of a lottery scheme. It states that any person who engages in such activities without authorization from the relevant authorities is committing an offense. The section outlines two different penalties for such actions. If the offender is found guilty of an indictable offense, they may be imprisoned for up to two years. Alternatively, they may be prosecuted and punished through summary conviction. The main objective of this section of the code is to prevent individuals from engaging in illegal gambling activities that are not sanctioned by the government. In Canada, all lotteries, including online gaming sites, must be authorized by the relevant authorities. This is to ensure that the activities are fair, transparent, and conducted in accordance with the law. The Canadian government has classified different types of lottery schemes that are legal and illegal, and anyone who fails to comply with these classifications is committing an offense. The penalties outlined in section 207(3) serve two important functions. Firstly, they act as a deterrent to those who may consider engaging in illegal gambling activities. By making the penalties stringent, the government sends a message that gambling outside authorized channels is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Secondly, the penalties serve as a form of retribution for those who have already committed the offense. Illegal gambling activities can be harmful to individuals and society as a whole, and so it is important to hold those who engage in such activities accountable for their actions. It is worth noting that section 207(3) is not without its critics. Some argue that the penalties outlined in the section are not severe enough to deter individuals from engaging in illegal gambling activities. Others argue that the focus on punishment fails to address the root causes of illegal gambling, such as poverty, addiction, and lack of access to legal gaming facilities. While these criticisms are valid, it is important to note that section 207(3) is just one aspect of the Canadian government's broader efforts to address illegal gambling. Other measures, such as public education campaigns, social programs, and increased access to legal gaming facilities, are also being pursued to address this issue. In conclusion, section 207(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that aims to curb illegal gambling activities. By outlining the penalties for those who engage in such activities, the government seeks to deter individuals from participating in such activities and hold accountable those who have already done so. While section 207(3) is not without its flaws, it is an important aspect of the government's broader strategy to address illegal gambling in Canada.


Section 207(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the legal framework surrounding lottery schemes in Canada. It is critical to understand the requirements and limitations set by this section when engaging in lottery-related activities, as any unauthorized actions can lead to serious legal repercussions. This section governs both the conduct, management, and operation of lottery schemes, as well as participation in these schemes. When dealing with Section 207(3), it is important to consider the penalties for non-compliance. As stated in the section, anyone who engages in unauthorized conduct, management, or operation of a lottery scheme can be found guilty of an indictable offense and face imprisonment for up to two years. This is a severe legal penalty that can cause significant harm to an individual's personal and professional life. As such, it is important to take a strategic approach when dealing with lottery schemes to ensure compliance with the law and avoid any negative consequences. One strategy that can be employed is to seek legal advice before engaging in any lottery-related activities. A legal professional can provide valuable guidance on the requirements and limitations set by Section 207(3) and help ensure that all necessary regulations are being followed. They can also assist in creating proper documentation for any lottery scheme, which is crucial in demonstrating compliance and avoiding legal issues. In addition to seeking legal advice, it is important to conduct thorough research on the specific requirements of a particular lottery scheme. This includes understanding the legal framework governing that scheme, any permits or licenses required, and any regulatory bodies that oversee it. This information can help ensure that the lottery scheme is being conducted in accordance with the law. Another strategy is to implement proper record-keeping and reporting systems. This includes keeping detailed records of all financial transactions related to the lottery scheme, as well as any paperwork or documentation related to the scheme. These records can be used to demonstrate compliance with the law and can be critical in defending against any legal action. In conclusion, Section 207(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the legal requirements surrounding lottery schemes in Canada. When dealing with this section, it is critical to consider the potential penalties for non-compliance and take a strategic approach to ensure proper compliance with the law. Strategies that can be employed include seeking legal advice, conducting thorough research, and implementing proper record-keeping and reporting systems. By following these strategies, individuals can engage in lottery-related activities in a compliant and legal manner.