section 486.6(2)


This section prohibits publication or broadcasting of information that could identify a protected victim, witness, or justice system participant in proceedings against a person who violates the order.


486.6(2) For greater certainty, an order referred to in subsection (1) applies to prohibit, in relation to proceedings taken against any person who fails to comply with the order, the publication in any document or the broadcasting or transmission in any way of information that could identify a victim, witness or justice system participant whose identity is protected by the order.


Section 486.6(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada specifies the scope of an order issued under subsection (1) of the same section. The order referred to pertains to the protection of individuals whose identity is at risk in any proceedings. It restricts the publication, broadcasting, or transmission of information in any form that could potentially identify these individuals. This section of the Criminal Code is vital in safeguarding the confidentiality and security of victims, witnesses, and participants in the justice system. As such, it creates a legal obligation to respect their privacy during and after any legal proceedings. The order applies to all individuals who fail to comply with it, meaning that anyone who violates the confidentiality provisions is subject to legal sanctions. The scope of the order is broad, covering all documents published and any form of transmission, including broadcasts and online communication. The purpose of this section is to ensure that anyone who comes forward as victims, witnesses, or justice system participants are protected from harm, harassment, or any other negative consequences. It is also aimed at ensuring that witnesses do not withhold crucial information due to fear of retaliation, and it safeguards the integrity of the justice system. In summary, section 486.6(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada plays a significant role in protecting the privacy of individuals involved in legal proceedings and guarantees that justice is served without exposing vulnerable groups to harm.


Section 486.6(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial law that protects the identity of victims, witnesses, and justice system participants in criminal proceedings. It serves as an essential safeguard for individuals who undergo the trauma of crime and the subsequent criminal proceedings. The law prohibits the publication, broadcasting, or transmission of any information that could reveal the identity of these protected persons. The protection of the identity of victims, witnesses, and justice system participants is essential to prevent any potential harm to their dignity, safety, and privacy. When people become involved in criminal proceedings, they may face threats, intimidation, or even physical harm from the defendant or his or her associates. Moreover, victims and witnesses, in particular, may be traumatized by having their identities revealed publicly. This revelation can lead to feelings of fear, shame, and embarrassment, among other negative emotions, that may cause additional harm. To ensure that the law operates efficiently, the legislation establishes requirements for all involved parties. It requires law enforcement personnel and all participants in the proceedings, including media representatives, to protect the identities of the protected persons. In practice, this law has significant implications for journalists and the media. In Canada, the media has a strong tradition of free speech and freedom of the press, which is enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, these freedoms are tempered by the need to protect the rights of individuals, including the protection of the identities of those involved in criminal proceedings. The Supreme Court of Canada has also provided guidance on how the law should operate in practice, particularly with respect to the media's role in reporting on criminal proceedings. In cases such as R v Mentuck and R v Dagenais/Mentuck, the courts have emphasized the importance of balancing the competing interests of the freedom of expression and the privacy of protected individuals. The law permits the publication of information that does not identify or reveal the identity of protected persons. Still, it prohibits the publication of information that could directly or indirectly reveal their identity. The press is not the only group that must navigate the requirements of the law; lawyers, judges, and other justice system participants also play a vital role in ensuring the protection of these persons' identities. They must be vigilant to ensure that no identifying information is revealed in the course of the proceedings inadvertently. Conclusion Section 486.6(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada represents an essential balance between the freedom of expression and the protection of the rights of individual Canadians. It is an essential law that enables victims, witnesses, and other justice system participants to participate in criminal proceedings without fear of harm to their privacy, dignity, and safety. Journalists, lawyers, and other participants in the criminal justice system must pay careful attention to its requirements to ensure that it operates efficiently in practice. This law is a critical component of the Canadian justice system and should continue to be upheld and enforced vigilantly.


Section 486.6(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is designed to provide privacy protection for victims, witnesses, and justice system participants who have been granted anonymity orders. The order prohibits the media from publishing or broadcasting any information that could identify any of these individuals. The section is intended to protect these individuals from being intimidated, harassed, or unfairly treated. When dealing with this section of the Criminal Code, there are some strategic considerations that should be taken into account. One of the most important is understanding the scope and limitations of the section. It is crucial to know what is covered under the order and what information can be released. Failure to understand these limitations can result in serious legal consequences. Another consideration is the impact of the order on media coverage. In some cases, it may be necessary to restrict media coverage of the case to protect the identities of those involved. This can be a challenging decision, as the media has a responsibility to report on important legal cases. However, the privacy rights of individuals must be balanced with the public's right to know. Strategies that can be employed to manage the challenges of Section 486.6(2) include educating journalists about the legal restrictions and requirements of the order. This can help to prevent unintentional violations of the order and ensure accurate reporting. It is also important to establish clear policies and procedures for managing media inquiries and releases of information. This includes having a designated spokesperson who is authorized to speak to the media and a protocol for releasing information that complies with the order. Another strategy is to work with victims, witnesses, and justice system participants to help them understand the importance of a successful prosecution and the role the media plays in building public support. By helping them to understand the value of responsible media coverage, they can become valuable allies in protecting their own privacy rights. In conclusion, Section 486.6(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important tool for protecting the privacy of individuals involved in legal proceedings. However, it also poses challenges for media coverage and public access to information. Strategic considerations, such as understanding the legal limitations of the order, educating journalists, and working with individuals involved in the case can help to manage these challenges and ensure fair and responsible reporting.