section 490.81(6)


A notice must be given in a manner directed by the court and for a duration considered reasonable by the court or specified in court rules.


490.81(6) A notice shall (a) be given or served in the manner that the court directs or that may be specified in the rules of the court; and (b) be of any duration that the court considers reasonable or that may be specified in the rules of the court.


Section 490.81(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada sets out the requirements for the issuance of a notice in relation to a forfeiture proceeding. This section applies in cases where the Crown seeks to forfeit property that is believed to have been obtained through criminal activity or used in the commission of a crime. The section requires that the notice be given or served in the manner that the court directs or that may be specified in the rules of the court. This means that the court has discretion to determine the method by which the notice is to be provided to the relevant parties. For example, the court may order that the notice be personally delivered to the property owner or sent by registered mail. The notice must also be of any duration that the court considers reasonable or that may be specified in the rules of the court. This means that the court may determine how long the notice should be in effect for, taking into account factors such as the complexity of the case and the need for the affected parties to have adequate time to respond. Overall, section 490.81(6) ensures that the process for issuing a notice in a forfeiture proceeding is fair and transparent. By giving the court discretion to determine the method of service and the duration of the notice, this section helps to ensure that the rights of all affected parties are respected and that the forfeiture process proceeds smoothly and efficiently.


Section 490.81(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada deals with the notice provisions related to the release of an accused person on bail. As per this section, when a court is releasing an accused person on bail, it must specify the manner of giving or serving the notice and the duration of the notice. The purpose of this section is to ensure that the accused person is informed about their obligations and responsibilities after being released on bail. Giving or serving the notice in the manner directed by the court ensures that the accused person receives the notice and understands its content. It also helps to prevent any misunderstanding or confusion about the conditions of the bail order. The duration of the notice is also an important aspect of this section. The court can specify any duration that it considers reasonable, which may vary depending on the circumstances of the case. This is crucial as it allows the accused person to comply with the conditions of the bail order and avoid any potential breaches that could result in the revocation of their release. The notice provisions in this section are essential as they help to maintain the integrity of the criminal justice system. It ensures that the accused person understands their obligations and responsibilities, which in turn helps to reduce the risk of reoffending while on bail. Failure to comply with the conditions of the bail order can result in severe consequences, including the revocation of bail and potential criminal charges. In addition to the notice provisions in this section, there are other factors that the court considers when releasing an accused person on bail. These include the severity of the offence, the likelihood of the accused person appearing in court, and the potential danger that the accused person may pose to the public. Overall, Section 490.81(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial provision that helps to ensure that accused persons released on bail understands their responsibilities and obligations. Compliance with the conditions of a bail order is crucial to prevent any potential harm to the public and to maintain the integrity of the criminal justice system. Therefore, the notice provisions in this section play a vital role in achieving these objectives.


Section 490.81(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada lays down the requirements for serving a notice in relation to an application to obtain a record suspension. This section is important as it lays down the procedural requirements for obtaining a record suspension. However, it is not always a straightforward process, and there are several strategic considerations to keep in mind when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code. One of the key strategic considerations is the manner in which the notice is given or served. This section of the Criminal Code gives the courts the discretion to direct the manner in which the notice is given or served. This means that there are various methods by which the notice can be given or served, such as by mail, email, fax, or in person. The choice of the method of service will depend on a number of factors, such as the urgency of the matter, the location of the parties, and the reliability of the method. Another strategic consideration is the duration of the notice. This section of the Criminal Code gives the courts the discretion to determine the duration of the notice, which can be any length of time that the court considers reasonable. This means that the duration of the notice can vary depending on the circumstances of each case. In some cases, the notice may only need to be for a few days, while in other cases, it may be for several weeks or even months. One strategy that could be employed is to seek the assistance of a qualified legal professional who has experience in dealing with record suspension applications. A legal professional can provide advice on the procedural requirements for serving a notice and can help ensure that all of the necessary steps are taken to comply with the law. Additionally, a legal professional can provide guidance on the appropriate duration of the notice and the best method of service. Another strategy that could be employed is to carefully review the rules of the court to determine the specific requirements for serving a notice. The rules of the court may provide additional guidance on the procedural requirements for serving a notice, including the method of service and the duration of the notice. In conclusion, section 490.81(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada lays down the requirements for serving a notice in relation to an application to obtain a record suspension. There are several strategic considerations to keep in mind when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code, including the manner of service and the duration of the notice. Employing the assistance of a qualified legal professional and carefully reviewing the rules of the court can help ensure that all of the necessary steps are taken to comply with the law and obtain a successful record suspension.