Criminal Code of Canada - section 493 - Definition of warrant

section 493


This section defines the term warrant in relation to arrest and committal warrants in specific forms.


493 In this Part, "warrant", when used in relation to a warrant for the arrest of a person, means a warrant in Form 7 and, when used in relation to a warrant for the committal of a person, means a warrant in Form 8.


Section 493 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides definitions for the term "warrant" in relation to warrants for the arrest or committal of a person. The section requires that these warrants be in specific forms (Form 7 for arrest warrants and Form 8 for committal warrants). These forms provide standardized and uniform language for warrants, ensuring that they are legally valid and easily recognizable by police, lawyers, and judges. The purpose of these warrants is to give law enforcement the authority to immediately arrest or detain a person suspected of committing a crime. Arrest warrants are typically issued when a person is suspected of committing an offence, while committal warrants are issued when a person has been charged with an offence and needs to be held in custody until their trial date. These warrants are an important tool for maintaining public safety, as they allow police officers to quickly and efficiently take dangerous criminals off the streets. By providing clear definitions for the form of these warrants, section 493 ensures that law enforcement and the justice system can operate effectively with minimal confusion or errors. This helps to protect the rights of both the accused and the public, as these warrants must meet specific legal requirements before they can be issued. Overall, section 493 plays an important role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the criminal justice system in Canada.


Section 493 of the Criminal Code of Canada is aimed at providing a clear definition of a warrant when dealing with the arrest or committal of a person. Specifically, it sets out the forms which these warrants must take – Form 7 for an arrest warrant and Form 8 for a committal warrant. The importance of having clear definitions and forms for warrants cannot be overstated. Warrants play a crucial role in the administration of justice, allowing law enforcement officials to take individuals into custody and present them before the appropriate legal authorities. Without clear guidelines as to what constitutes a valid warrant, there would be significant potential for abuse of power and miscarriage of justice. Form 7, the arrest warrant, is arguably the more well-known of the two forms. This document is issued by a judge or justice of the peace and provides law enforcement officials with the legal authority to take an individual into custody. It must include specific information about the person to be arrested, including their name and physical description, as well as the reason for the arrest. The use of Form 7 ensures that arrests are made based on a clear legal basis and with a specific individual in mind. Form 8, the committal warrant, is used in cases where an individual has already been arrested and is being held in custody pending trial or sentencing. This document allows for the transfer of an individual from police custody to a correctional facility. It too must include specific information about the individual in question, as well as details about the charges they are facing. The use of Form 8 ensures that individuals are transferred in accordance with the rules and procedures established by law. Overall, Section 493 serves an important purpose in providing clear guidelines for the use of warrants in the criminal justice system. Its emphasis on specific forms for arrest and committal warrants ensures that these documents are issued in a consistent and standardized way, helping to reduce confusion and potential for abuse. As such, this section of the Criminal Code provides an essential foundation for the administration of justice in Canada.


Section 493 of the Criminal Code of Canada is of pivotal importance in the criminal justice system as it outlines the definition of a warrant and its forms. A warrant is an authorization issued by a judge to law enforcement officials to do or not do something related to a criminal investigation. When dealing with this section of the Criminal Code of Canada, there are several strategic considerations that need to be taken into account to ensure the efficient processing of warrants, the protection of individuals' rights, and the successful prosecution of criminal offenses. One strategic consideration when dealing with Section 493 is ensuring that warrants are issued in accordance with legal procedures. Law enforcement officers must have probable cause to believe that a person has committed a crime and should be arrested in order to request a warrant. The judge must then be presented with adequate evidence to issue the warrant. Failure to follow these procedures can lead to legal challenges and the dismissal of evidence obtained through the warrant. Another strategic consideration is the importance of accuracy and clarity in the warrant's language. Warrants must use the appropriate form, and all details regarding the person being arrested, such as their name, address, and identification information, must be precise. Any errors or omissions in the warrant can lead to legal challenges, the exclusion of evidence, and the release of the arrested person. A third strategic consideration when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code of Canada is the importance of respecting individuals' rights during the arrest and detention process. Officers must provide clear and concise information regarding the reason for the arrest and the right to legal counsel. Any violation of these rights can lead to legal challenges, the exclusion of evidence or the release of the arrested person. There are several strategies that can be employed to ensure the successful use of Section 493 of the Criminal Code. First, law enforcement officers should ensure that they gather adequate evidence to support the issuance of a warrant, as the absence of sufficient evidence can result in the dismissal of a case. Second, officers must ensure that they use the correct form of warrant to avoid legal complications. Third, officers should make sure that the warrant's language is clear and accurate. Finally, officers must always respect individuals' rights when executing warrants and during the overall arrest and detention process. In conclusion, Section 493 of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the definition and forms of warrants, an essential tool in criminal investigations. When dealing with this section, several strategic considerations need to be taken into account, including the importance of following legal procedures, accuracy and clarity of the warrant's language, and respecting individuals' rights. Employing strategies such as gathering adequate evidence, using the correct form of warrant, ensuring clarity, and respecting individuals' rights can lead to successful and legally sound criminal investigations.