section 524(11)


If a verdict is not reached, the accused will be released from custody.


524(11) Where the justice does not make a finding under paragraph (8)(a) or (b), he shall order that the accused be released from custody.


Section 524(11) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an integral part of the legal system in Canada. This section outlines the steps that must be taken by a justice if they do not find sufficient evidence to make a finding of guilt against an accused individual under paragraph (8)(a) or (b) of the same section. The two paragraphs referred to in this context pertain to the pieces of evidence and the arguments that may be presented before a justice during a bail hearing. Paragraph (8)(a) covers evidence that supports the detention of the accused, while paragraph (8)(b) pertains to evidence against detention. If a justice does not find sufficient evidence to make a finding under either of these paragraphs, they are obligated to order the release of the accused from custody. This is an essential protection against infringing the basic human rights of the accused. The principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' is at the core of Canada's legal system, and this provision ensures that the accused who have not yet been found guilty are not detained unnecessarily. Furthermore, the provision also plays a crucial role in ensuring that the justice system functions efficiently. Accused individuals who are held in custody before trial can face considerable mental and physical harm. They may also experience difficulties in preparing for their case, thereby weakening their ability to defend themselves adequately. The provision, therefore, provides a safeguard against unnecessary detention, thereby smoothing the processing of cases and promoting justice. In conclusion, Section 524(11) plays a vital role in upholding the fundamental principles of the Canadian legal system. It provides a necessary safeguard against undue detention, ensuring that accused individuals are given the requisite protection and their rights must not be violated.


Section 524(11) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a critical provision in the administration of justice in Canada, as it speaks to the fundamental right of due process and the presumption of innocence for an accused person. This section provides clear guidelines to a justice of the peace or judge who is presiding over a bail hearing for an accused person. The essence of this provision is that if a justice does not make a finding under paragraph (8)(a) or (b), which pertains to the determination of whether an accused person is a flight risk or poses a danger to the public, they must order that the accused be released from custody. In other words, if the court does not find that an accused person is likely to flee or pose a danger to society, then they cannot remain in custody while awaiting trial. This provision is crucial because it ensures that the presumption of innocence is maintained and that an individual is not punished before being found guilty. The right to pre-trial liberty is a fundamental aspect of the Canadian legal system and is enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Furthermore, this provision ensures that the decisions of justices with respect to bail are based on sound legal principles and objective evidence rather than subjective assumptions or biases. It is not uncommon for individuals who are marginalized, poor or otherwise disenfranchised to be unfairly targeted by the criminal justice system. This provision helps to address these issues by requiring that decisions with respect to bail are based solely on the merits of the case. However, the application of this provision is not always straightforward. There are many factors that a court must consider in determining whether an accused should be released on bail, and sometimes the evidence presented can be conflicting or unclear. Additionally, the notion of what constitutes a danger to the public or a flight risk can be subjective and difficult to define precisely. Nonetheless, this provision has been critical in protecting the rights of accused persons in Canada and ensuring that they are not unduly punished before having their day in court. It also acknowledges the importance of pre-trial liberty and the need to balance individual rights with public safety concerns. Overall, it is an essential aspect of our legal system and should be upheld to ensure that justice is served in a fair and transparent manner.


Section 524(11) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an essential provision in criminal proceedings. It outlines the requirements for the release of individuals who have been charged with a crime. Notably, the provision stipulates that if the justice does not make a finding under paragraph (8)(a) or (b) of the same section, i.e., he does not determine whether to release the accused with or without conditions, he shall order that the accused be released from custody. This section, therefore, offers an opportunity for lawyers to use a variety of strategies when dealing with it, depending on their clients' circumstances. One of the critical strategic considerations when dealing with section 524(11) is whether the accused has a prior criminal record. If the accused has a prior criminal record, the justice may be less inclined to release them without conditions, despite the provision's clear mandate. In this case, counsel may consider presenting evidence to the justice that the accused is not a flight risk, has ties to the community, and would be willing to abide by conditions of release. This may include agreeing to surrender their passport, regularly reporting to a bail supervisor, or agreeing to a curfew. Another strategic consideration is the nature of the charges. If the charges are severe, such as those involving violence or drugs, the prosecution may argue that the accused poses a significant risk to the community and should not be released without conditions. In this case, counsel may need to argue forcefully that their client is not a danger to the community and present mitigating factors such as their client's family ties, employment, or volunteer work in the community. A third strategic consideration is the accused's mental health or addiction issues. If the accused has mental health or addiction issues, they may require specialized treatment that can only be provided outside of custody. In this case, counsel may attempt to persuade the justice that their client would be better served by being released to receive treatment rather than remaining in custody. Additionally, counsel can employ other strategies when dealing with section 524(11) of the Criminal Code of Canada. For instance, they could argue that their client would not receive a fair trial if they are detained pending trial since it is unlikely that they will have access to the necessary resources to prepare adequately for the trial. They may also seek to have the charge stayed or reduced, arguing that there is insufficient evidence to support the charges or demonstrating that there was a violation of their client's rights. In conclusion, section 524(11) of the Criminal Code of Canada plays a critical role in criminal proceedings. It provides an opportunity for lawyers to employ various strategies to secure the release of their clients. When dealing with this section, strategic considerations include the accused's prior criminal record, the nature of the charges, mental health or addiction issues, and other mitigating factors. Lawyers can use strategies such as presenting evidence, arguing forcefully, or seeking specialized treatment for their clients. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that their clients are released, pending trial, without compromising the public's safety.