section 699(6)


This section specifies the form of subpoena that may be issued under this Part of the Criminal Code of Canada.


699(6) Subject to subsection (7), a subpoena issued under this Part may be in Form 16.


Section 699(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides guidance on the issuance of a subpoena in criminal proceedings. It states that a subpoena, which is essentially a legal document requiring a person to appear in court or produce evidence, must be in Form 16. However, this provision is subject to subsection (7), which implies that there may be other specific requirements or limitations for issuing a subpoena. This section of the Criminal Code is crucial in ensuring that the legal process of criminal proceedings is conducted in an orderly and fair manner. A subpoena is an effective tool that can compel witnesses or individuals with relevant evidence to participate in the trial and provide critical testimony. However, there are also strict rules that must be followed when issuing a subpoena to protect the rights of individuals, including those who may be required to testify against their will. By specifying the required form for a subpoena in criminal proceedings, Section 699(6) eliminates potential confusion about the proper format and helps to ensure consistency and clarity in the process. It also underscores the importance of adhering to strict legal procedures when requesting the attendance or testimony of witnesses or victims in criminal cases. Overall, this provision contributes to a fair and just legal system in Canada by outlining clear procedures for issuing subpoenas in criminal proceedings.


Section 699(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada allows for subpoenas to be issued under certain circumstances and in a specific form as outlined in Form 16. Subpoenas are legal documents that require a person to attend court and provide testimony or evidence relevant to a legal case. They are commonly used in criminal proceedings where witnesses are required to testify about events related to the charges being brought against the accused. Subsection (7) of this section specifies the instances where a subpoena may not be issued, including situations where the evidence sought is not relevant or where the person being subpoenaed would be incriminating themselves through their testimony. This is important as it ensures that individuals are not forced to give testimony that could harm their own legal situation. Form 16 is a standard format for subpoenas that includes important information such as the name of the court, the date and time of the required appearance, and the nature of the evidence required. Using a standardized format ensures that all necessary information is included and that it is clear and easy to understand. Overall, section 699(6) plays an important role in ensuring that criminal proceedings are conducted fairly and efficiently. Subpoenas provide a way for relevant evidence and testimony to be obtained, which is crucial in determining the guilt or innocence of the accused. By specifying the circumstances under which subpoenas can be issued and providing a standardized format for them, this section of the Criminal Code helps to ensure that the legal process is transparent and accessible for all involved parties.


Section 699(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the form that a subpoena issued under Part XVI of the Code may take. Part XVI deals with the production of documents and the summoning of witnesses in legal proceedings. When dealing with this section, there are several strategic considerations that individuals and organizations involved in criminal cases should keep in mind. Firstly, it is important to understand the purpose of a subpoena. A subpoena is a legal document that compels a person to appear before a court or tribunal to give evidence or to produce documents. Failure to comply with a subpoena can result in penalties such as fines or imprisonment. The primary strategic consideration, therefore, is how to respond to a subpoena that has been issued to you or your organization. One strategy that could be employed is to cooperate fully with the subpoena. This may involve providing the requested documents or appearing in court to give evidence. Cooperation can be a beneficial strategy as it may show a willingness to comply with legal requirements, which may be viewed favorably by the court. On the other hand, if the subpoena demands the disclosure of confidential or sensitive information, it may be necessary to object to the subpoena on the grounds of privilege or confidentiality. Another strategy is to resist the subpoena. This may involve challenging the validity of the subpoena itself, or arguing that the requested documents or evidence are irrelevant or protected by privilege. There may also be situations where an individual or organization cannot comply with the subpoena, for example, if the requested documents do not exist or if the person in question is out of the country. In such cases, it may be necessary to negotiate an alternative arrangement or to seek a variation of the subpoena. Timing is also a strategic consideration when dealing with a subpoena. The timeline for compliance with a subpoena can vary depending on the circumstances, and failure to comply within the specified timeframe can result in penalties. Therefore, it is important to act quickly and seek legal advice as soon as a subpoena is received. Finally, it is important to note that a subpoena can be issued to individuals and organizations that are not a party to the legal proceedings. This means that third parties such as banks or telecommunications companies may be required to produce documents or provide evidence. In such cases, it may be necessary to consider the impact of compliance on business operations or customer privacy, and to seek legal advice on how best to respond. In conclusion, Section 699(6) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the form that a subpoena issued under Part XVI may take. When dealing with this section, strategic considerations such as whether to cooperate or resist, timing, and the impact on third parties should be taken into account. Seeking legal advice is critical in navigating the complexities of subpoenas and ensuring that legal obligations are met.