section 741.1


When a court orders restitution, the person who is supposed to receive the payment must be given notice of the order or a copy of the order.


741.1 Where a court makes an order of restitution under section 738 or 739, it shall cause notice of the content of the order, or a copy of the order, to be given to the person to whom the restitution is ordered to be paid.


Section 741.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important piece of legislation when it comes to the issue of restitution in criminal cases. This section essentially sets out the requirement for the court to provide notice to the person who is ordered to receive restitution payments. Restitution is a payment that is ordered by the court to be made by a convicted offender to compensate a victim for damages suffered as a result of the crime committed. This payment may be made in addition to any other sentencing that the offender receives and is designed to provide some measure of accountability and compensation for the victim. When a court makes an order of restitution under section 738 or 739 of the Criminal Code, it is required to ensure that the person who is entitled to receive the payment is provided with notice of the order. This notice can come in the form of a copy of the order itself or a summary of the order. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that the person who is entitled to restitution knows about the order and understands what it means for their situation. It also provides some level of transparency and accountability in the process of making restitution payments. Overall, Section 741.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada helps to ensure that restitution payments are fair, transparent, and provide meaningful compensation for victims of crime. By requiring the court to provide notice of the order to the person entitled to receive payment, it helps to ensure that all parties involved are aware of their rights and responsibilities in the process.


Section 741.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada illustrates the important role that the government plays in ensuring that the victim of a criminal offence receives restitution for any damages caused to them as a result of the offence. Essentially, this section outlines the obligation of the court to notify the victim of the contents of any order of restitution made under sections 738 or 739 of the Criminal Code. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that victims are aware of their entitlement to restitution and of the specifics of the order that has been made in their case. This is an important step towards providing closure and a sense of justice to victims, as they are able to see that the person who committed the offence against them has been ordered to pay reparations. Additionally, this provision ensures that victims have the ability to monitor the progress of payments and take steps to enforce remediation if the offender fails to comply with the order. One area in which section 741.1 may be particularly important is cases involving financial crimes, such as fraud or embezzlement. In these cases, the victim may have suffered substantial financial losses as a result of the offender's actions. Without an order of restitution, it may be difficult or impossible for the victim to recover these losses or be compensated for the harm caused. By notifying the victim of the contents of the order and ensuring that the offender is held accountable for making payments, section 741.1 helps to enable victims to recover from the financial impact of the offence and move forward. Overall, section 741.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada highlights the importance of ensuring that victims of crime are able to receive restitution for the harm caused to them. By notifying victims of the details of any orders of restitution, the government is taking an important step towards providing justice and closure to individuals impacted by criminal offences. Additionally, this provision helps to emphasize the accountability of offenders for the harm they cause, which is an important principle in ensuring that individuals are held responsible for their actions. While section 741.1 is just one small part of the Criminal Code, it represents an important recognition of the need for victims to be supported and empowered in the aftermath of crime.


Section 741.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada sets forth the requirement that a court must provide notice to the person to whom restitution is ordered to be paid. This provision is an important aspect of Canada's criminal justice system as it ensures that victims of crime are compensated for any losses they may have suffered as a result of a criminal offence. However, there are several strategic considerations that must be taken into account when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code. One of the most important considerations is the timing of the notice. It is important to provide notice as soon as possible after the order of restitution has been made. This ensures that the victim is aware of their rights and can take the necessary steps to enforce the order. Delay in providing notice can result in the victim missing important deadlines or not being able to take advantage of available remedies. Another important consideration is the method of delivery. The notice must be provided in a manner that is timely, reliable, and secure. Methods such as registered mail, courier, or personal delivery may be appropriate depending on the circumstances of the case and the preferences of the victim. It is also important to ensure that the notice contains clear and concise information on the content of the order and the steps that the victim can take to enforce it. One strategy that can be employed to ensure compliance with this section of the Criminal Code is to include a provision in a plea agreement or other court document requiring the prosecution to provide notice to the victim. This can help to ensure that notice is provided in a timely and effective manner and can also help to establish a clear protocol for providing notice in the event of a future dispute. Another strategy that can be employed is to work with the victim to develop a strategy for enforcing the order of restitution. This may include identifying assets that can be seized or wages that can be garnished to satisfy the debt, or working with collection agencies or other professionals to recover the funds owed. By working collaboratively with the victim, it may be possible to develop a more effective and efficient method of enforcing the order of restitution. In conclusion, Section 741.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada sets forth an important requirement for providing notice to victims of crime regarding orders of restitution. To ensure compliance with this provision, it is important to consider factors such as timing, method of delivery, and strategies for enforcement. By taking a proactive approach to compliance, it may be possible to help victims recover their losses and achieve a greater sense of justice.