Criminal Code of Canada - section 125 - Influencing or Negotiating Appointments or Dealing in Offices

section 125


Section 125 of the Criminal Code of Canada criminalizes the acceptance or solicitation of rewards or benefits in exchange for influencing or securing an appointment to an office, as well as keeping a place for transacting business related to the sale, purchase, or filling of vacancies in offices.


125 Every one who (a) receives, agrees to receive, gives or procures to be given, directly or indirectly, a reward, advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration for cooperation, assistance or exercise of influence to secure the appointment of any person to an office, (b) solicits, recommends or negotiates in any manner with respect to an appointment to or resignation from an office, in expectation of a direct or indirect reward, advantage or benefit, or (c) keeps without lawful authority, the proof of which lies on him, a place for transacting or negotiating any business relating to (i) the filling of vacancies in offices, (ii) the sale or purchase of offices, or (iii) appointments to or resignations from offices, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.


Section 125 of the Criminal Code of Canada criminalizes the act of engaging in corrupt activities related to the appointment of individuals to public offices. Specifically, the section targets individuals who receive, give, agree to give, or otherwise procure benefits in exchange for securing or influencing the appointment of a person to a public office. It also criminalizes those who solicit, recommend, or negotiate with respect to appointments or resignations from a public office while expecting a direct or indirect reward, advantage, or benefit. Furthermore, the section prohibits the maintaining of a place, without lawful authority, for conducting business related to the filling of office vacancies, the sale or purchase of public offices, or appointments or resignations from public offices. The main objective of this section is to prevent corruption and maintain the integrity of public offices by ensuring appointments are made based on merit rather than favors, bribes, or other inappropriate considerations. Violators of Section 125 face an indictable offense and a maximum prison term of five years. Overall, the Criminal Code of Canada seeks to promote ethical behavior in public office and prevent the abuse of power for personal gain. Section 125 is one of the many measures established to ensure that the Canadian public can have trust in the appointment process and ensure public servants are appointed and promoted based on their qualifications, skills, and experience.


Section 125 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial legal provision that prohibits activities associated with appointments to public offices. The provision establishes criminal liability relating to practices such as bribery and corruption that undermine the integrity of the public appointment process. The section addresses different types of activities that are prohibited, including receiving or providing rewards or benefits directly or indirectly as consideration for cooperation, assistance, or influence in securing appointments or soliciting or negotiating in anticipation of such rewards or benefits. Additionally, it criminalizes the unauthorized keeping of places for transacting or negotiating business related to vacancies, sale or purchase of offices, or appointment or resignation from offices. The importance of the provision lies in its potential to promote integrity in public appointments. Appointments to public offices have significant implications for the effective functioning of governments and society as a whole. The people appointed to these offices have a considerable impact on the quality of governance and the fairness of policy outcomes. As such, it is essential to ensure that appointment processes are transparent and free from corrupt practices to enable them to select the most capable and reliable individuals. Canada values transparency and accountability as fundamental principles of good governance. Section 125 aligns with these principles by establishing criminal consequences for individuals who engage in corrupt practices that undermine the integrity of public appointments. The provision also acts as a deterrent to potential wrongdoers who may be inclined to engage in corrupt practices. In this way, Section 125 helps ensure that the appointment process remains fair and impartial, and that appointments are made based on merit, experience, and other relevant factors that are essential to effective governance. Overall, Section 125 of the Criminal Code of Canada is an essential legal provision that supports integrity, transparency, and accountability in public appointments. Its application has been vital in preventing corrupt practices that undermine the effective functioning of governments and society as a whole. It is, therefore, crucial that the provision continues to be applied diligently to ensure that appointments to public offices remain free from corruption. Additionally, efforts should be made to raise awareness of the criminal consequences of engaging in corrupt practices and to educate the public on the importance of transparent and fair public appointments.


Section 125 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that criminalizes certain illicit practices that relate to securing appointments in offices. In essence, the section targets individuals who engage in activities that aim to influence or affect the appointment or resignation of persons from official positions through the offer of benefits or other incentives. Given the sensitivity of the issue, it is essential for organizations, companies, and other actors to consider some strategic approaches when dealing with Section 125 of the Criminal Code of Canada. One of the key strategic considerations when dealing with Section 125 is to ensure that all practices are lawful. Given the severe consequences attached to a violation of the provision, it is crucial for organizations and individuals to understand the legal requirements and implications of any activity they intend to undertake. Such an understanding includes knowing the elements that constitute an offense under Section 125, as well as the available defenses and mitigating factors that could be relied upon if one is charged with an offense. Another strategic consideration is to implement robust compliance and oversight mechanisms. This approach involves putting in place systems that prevent, detect, and deter any activities that could be seen as violating Section 125. This may include processes such as background checks, due diligence on individuals and entities, employee training, and internal audits. Additionally, organizations could consider engaging external consultants or experts in legal and ethical matters to evaluate their practices and advise on remediation measures. When dealing with Section 125, it is also vital for organizations to create and maintain a culture of ethics and compliance. This culture should involve promoting values such as integrity, transparency, fairness, and respect for the law. It should involve creating awareness on the risks and legal consequences of violating Section 125, as well as encouraging employees and other stakeholders to report any suspected illegal activity. Such a culture could help to prevent or reduce the likelihood of violations of the provision, as well as to demonstrate to regulators and other stakeholders that the organization takes its legal and ethical obligations seriously. Another strategic approach to dealing with Section 125 is to engage legal counsel or other experts with experience in matters related to the provision. Such experts could provide guidance on the legality and implications of certain practices, as well as advise on the available options for addressing any legal concerns. Additionally, involving legal counsel or other experts could help to demonstrate to regulators or other third parties that the organization is committed to complying with all relevant laws and regulations. Finally, organizations could consider collaborating with relevant authorities, such as law enforcement agencies or regulatory bodies, to prevent, detect, and respond to any violations of Section 125. This may involve sharing information or intelligence on suspicious activities, collaborating on investigations, or working together to improve awareness and compliance with the provision. Such collaboration could help to demonstrate the organization's commitment to complying with the law, as well as foster stronger relationships with relevant stakeholders. In conclusion, dealing with Section 125 of the Criminal Code of Canada requires careful consideration of legal, ethical, and reputational risks. Organizations and individuals that engage in activities that could be seen as violating the provision should take proactive steps to ensure compliance with the law and prevent any potential harm. This may involve implementing compliance and oversight mechanisms, creating a culture of ethics and compliance, engaging legal counsel or other experts, and collaborating with relevant authorities. By taking such strategic approaches, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to complying with the law, while maintaining their reputation and avoiding legal sanctions.