Criminal Code of Canada - section 487.055(3.01) - Manner of appearance

section 487.055(3.01)


A court may allow a person to appear at a hearing by closed-circuit television or other means as long as they can communicate privately with their counsel if represented.


487.055(3.01) The court may require a person who is given notice of an application under subsection (1) and who wishes to appear at the hearing to appear by closed-circuit television or any other means that allows the court and the person to engage in simultaneous visual and oral communication, as long as the person is given the opportunity to communicate privately with counsel if they are represented by counsel.


Section 487.055(3.01) of the Criminal Code of Canada enables a court to require a person who has been given notice of an application under subsection (1) to appear via closed-circuit television or any other means of simultaneous visual and oral communication. This provision allows for remote participation in court hearings and is particularly valuable in cases where the individual is physically unable to attend court or where attendance may put them at risk. The provision emphasizes the right of the person to communicate privately with their counsel in the event that they are represented by a lawyer. This is crucial to ensure a fair hearing and to uphold the rights of the accused. The use of closed-circuit television or other similar technology has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. It has proven to be an effective means of ensuring that legal proceedings can take place without endangering the health, safety, or wellbeing of those involved. In situations where an individual is in custody, for example, being able to participate in legal proceedings remotely can reduce the risk of transferring infectious diseases. In sum, Section 487.055(3.01) of the Criminal Code of Canada allows for more flexibility in how individuals can participate in legal proceedings. It recognizes that in certain circumstances, remote participation may be necessary or desirable for the protection of all parties involved. The provision strikes a balance between ensuring fairness in legal proceedings and safeguarding the health, safety, and wellbeing of those involved.


Section 487.055(3.01) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides for a means of communication between the court and a person who wishes to appear at a hearing but cannot do so physically. This section allows the person to appear through closed-circuit television or any other means that permits simultaneous visual and oral communication between the court and the person. There may be several reasons why a person may not be able to attend a hearing in person. For example, the person may be physically unable to attend due to an illness or disability. Alternatively, the person may be located in a different city or province and may not be able to travel to the location of the hearing. In these situations, it is important that the person still has the opportunity to appear before the court and participate in the proceedings. The requirement that the person be given the opportunity to communicate privately with counsel if represented by counsel is also an essential component of this section. This provision ensures that the person's right to counsel is not compromised by their inability to appear in person. The right to counsel is a fundamental principle of criminal law and ensures that a person facing criminal charges has access to legal advice and representation. The use of closed-circuit television or other means of communication is a practical solution that allows the court to hear from the person without requiring them to appear in person. It also avoids the need to adjourn the hearing, which can delay the proceedings and cause inconvenience to all parties involved. However, it is important to ensure that the use of these measures does not compromise the person's right to a fair trial. For example, the person must be able to see and hear what is happening in the courtroom and be able to communicate effectively with their counsel. In addition, the use of closed-circuit television or other means of communication should not be used as a substitute for a person's physical presence at trial unless there are compelling reasons to do so. Overall, Section 487.055(3.01) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a useful provision that allows for the continued participation of a person in criminal proceedings, despite being unable to appear in person. It ensures that the person's right to counsel is not compromised and avoids delays in the proceedings. However, the use of closed-circuit television or other means of communication must be carefully considered to ensure that it does not affect the person's right to a fair trial.


Section 487.055(3.01) of the Criminal Code of Canada gives the court the power to allow a person to appear by closed-circuit television or any other means that allows the court and the person to engage in simultaneous visual and oral communication. This power can be exercised when a person is given notice of an application under subsection (1) and wishes to appear at the hearing. However, when dealing with this section, there are several strategic considerations that must be taken into account. One of the first strategic considerations is communication. The section requires that the person be given the opportunity to communicate privately with counsel if they are represented. It is crucial to ensure that this communication is possible and that both the person and their counsel are able to communicate effectively. This would require having a good quality communication system that allows for clear audio and video signals. Another strategic consideration is the location of the person. For instance, if the person is located in a remote area or outside the jurisdiction of the court, it may be necessary to use these alternative means of communication. In this situation, the court would have to determine the most efficient way for the person to appear in court, whether it is through closed-circuit television or other means. In addition, the court would need to ensure that there are no technical difficulties that could impede communication. Another strategy could be to request that the court allows the person to appear by closed-circuit television if they live a great distance from the court. This would be particularly useful for individuals who would have to travel a significant distance to attend the hearing, especially those who may not be able to afford the costs of transportation and accommodation. In this situation, the court would need to establish a reliable means of communication that would allow the person to appear and effectively participate in the hearing. A further consideration would be security. In some cases, the safety of the person may be a concern, and the court may determine that it is necessary for the person to appear by closed-circuit television. This could be the case if the person is at risk of harm or there are concerns about their safety in a traditional courtroom setting. The court would need to ensure that the person is safe and secure during the hearing in these cases. Overall, when dealing with section 487.055(3.01) of the Criminal Code of Canada, it is important to be strategic in the use of alternative means of communication. The use of closed-circuit television or other means should only be employed when it is necessary and appropriate. The court should ensure that the person's rights are protected and that they are able to communicate effectively with their counsel. By carefully considering these strategic considerations, the court can ensure that justice is served and that everyone's rights are respected.