section 490.014


This section allows the prosecutor or a person subject to an order to appeal a decision on grounds of law or mixed law and fact.


490.014 The prosecutor, or a person who is subject to an order under subsection 490.012(2), may appeal from a decision of the court under that subsection on any ground of appeal that raises a question of law or of mixed law and fact. The appeal court may dismiss the appeal, or allow it and order a new hearing, quash the order or make an order that may be made under that subsection.


Section 490.014 of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the appeal process for both prosecutors and individuals who are subject to orders under subsection 490.012(2). Subsection 490.012(2) deals with orders for the forfeiture of property that is believed to have been obtained through criminal activity. The section allows for appeals to be made from a decision of the court under subsection 490.012(2) on any ground of appeal that raises a question of law or of mixed law and fact. This means that either the prosecutor or the individual who is subject to the order can appeal a decision if they believe there was an error in the application of legal principles or a mistake in the factual findings of the court. The appeal court has a range of options when considering an appeal. They may choose to dismiss the appeal altogether, or they may allow it and order a new hearing. Alternatively, the appeal court may quash the order made by the lower court, or make a new order that is permissible under subsection 490.012(2). The appeal process outlined in this section emphasizes the importance of ensuring that decisions made regarding forfeiture of property are fair and legally sound. It provides a mechanism for both parties to challenge a decision that they believe is not in accordance with the law, and ensures that proper legal principles are applied in these cases.


Section 490.014 of the Criminal Code of Canada provides an avenue for the prosecutor or a person subject to an order under subsection 490.012(2) to appeal a decision of the court on any ground of appeal that raises a question of law or of mixed law and fact. This section is significant as it allows the appellant to challenge a decision by the court, which they believe to be legally erroneous, providing an opportunity for a corrective judicial action. The Criminal Code of Canada identifies that an appeal may only be brought on a question of law or of mixed law and fact. Mixed questions of law and fact are related to the interpretation and application of legal principles to the facts at issue. This requirement signifies the importance of the legal principles and issues involved in deciding appeals, as they have the potential to shape and modify the law over time. Although the appeal court may dismiss an appeal, it has a wide range of powers, including ordering a new hearing, quashing the order, or making an order that may be made under subsection 490.012(2). The range of remedies available to the appeal court aims to ensure that the appellant can have their case re-evaluated in a fair and just manner. This section is an essential protection of constitutional values, as it expresses the right of the appellant to have recourse to a higher court when the matter fails to meet the legal standards required. The section allows an individual to appeal, which is a critical protection afforded an individual who feels that their rights have been violated. The ability to appeal a court's decision safeguards the constitution's principles, ensuring that no one is deprived of their rights, nor are they subject to discrimination without due process. Moreover, the provision promotes a fair and just legal system, as it provides an opportunity for case review by judges with experience, which is beneficial to all those involved in legal proceedings. This process serves to uphold the integrity of the legal system by providing individuals with access to an objective and impartial decision-making body. As such, the inclusion of this section in the Criminal Code of Canada extends public confidence in the legal system, demonstrating its commitment to justice and fairness. In conclusion, Section 490.014 of the Criminal Code of Canada plays a crucial role in ensuring that individuals subject to legal proceedings have a fair and just outcome. It provides an avenue to challenge a decision by the court, with the potential to shape and modify the law over time. The right of appeal is a fundamental protection for an individual in our legal system, providing the opportunity to have judicial decisions reviewed by judges with vast experience. The section's inclusion in the Criminal Code promotes public confidence in the legal system, strengthening constitutional values and upholding principles of justice and fairness.


Section 490.014 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial provision as it allows the prosecutor or a person subject to an order to appeal against a court's decision on an order under subsection 490.012(2). This provision is significant in protecting the rights of those who are subject to these orders, as it provides a mechanism for them to challenge erroneous decisions by the court. However, like any other legal provision, there are strategic considerations that need to be taken into account when dealing with this section. One of the strategic considerations when dealing with this provision is to understand the grounds for appeal. This section allows the prosecutor or the person subject to an order to appeal on any ground that raises a question of law or mixed law and fact. Therefore, determining the precise legal basis for the appeal is essential. This is because it helps to narrow the legal issues at stake, which in turn makes it easier to argue and persuade the appeal court. Another strategic consideration is to determine the appropriate appellate court. In Canada, there are different levels of courts, including the Provincial Court, Superior Court, and the Court of Appeal. In the case of an appeal under section 490.014, determining the appropriate appellate court is essential. This is because each court has a different level of jurisdiction, and the rules of procedure differ from one court to another. As such, it is crucial to ensure that the appeal is made in the appropriate court and that the correct procedural rules are followed. Furthermore, it may be strategic to hire an experienced appellate lawyer who has experience dealing with appeals under section 490.014. An experienced lawyer will have the necessary knowledge of the law and the procedure to pursue a successful appeal. Additionally, an appellate lawyer will have the skills to effectively argue and persuade the appeal court. Another strategy that may be employed when dealing with section 490.014 is to gather and present evidence. Evidence is essential in persuading the appeal court, and it may help to strengthen the legal argument. The evidence should be reliable, relevant, and admissible, and it should support the legal argument. In conclusion, section 490.014 of the Criminal Code of Canada is significant in protecting the rights of individuals subject to orders under subsection 490.012(2). However, to successfully appeal a court decision, it is essential to take into account various strategic considerations. These considerations include understanding the grounds for appeal, determining the appropriate appellate court, hiring experienced appellate lawyers, and gathering and presenting relevant evidence. By considering these strategic considerations, one can effectively pursue an appeal under section 490.014 of the Criminal Code of Canada.