Criminal Code of Canada - section 672.2(1) - Assessment report

section 672.2(1)


This section states that an assessment order can require a written report on the mental condition of the accused.


672.2(1) An assessment order may require the person who makes the assessment to submit in writing an assessment report on the mental condition of the accused.


Section 672.2(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides for the issuance of an assessment order in criminal cases where the mental condition of the accused is in question. This order specifies that the person tasked with evaluating the accused's mental state must submit a written report providing a detailed assessment of the accused's mental condition. This section is critical to ensure the proper administration of justice in Canadian courts. An accused's mental condition can significantly impact their ability to understand the charges against them, assist in their defense, or even comprehend the consequences of their actions. Therefore, by ordering a mental health assessment of the accused, the court can better understand their mental state and make informed decisions about the course of the trial. The assessment report required under Section 672.2(1) must provide detailed information about the accused's current and past mental health status, including any diagnoses they have received, medications they are taking, and any other relevant information that could affect their mental state. The report must also address the accused's capacity to understand the charges and the consequences of the case, as well as their fitness to stand trial. In summary, Section 672.2(1) provides an important legal mechanism to ensure that an accused with mental health issues receives a fair trial. It enables the court to obtain critical information about the accused's mental condition, which is essential in determining their fitness to stand trial and their mental state at the time of the offense. Ultimately, this promotes fair and just outcomes in Canadian criminal trials.


Section 672.2(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the requirements for a mental health assessment report for an accused person. If an assessment order is issued, the person conducting the assessment must provide a written report on the accused's mental condition. This report is essential in determining the accused's ability to stand trial and whether they were capable of understanding the nature of their actions at the time of the offense. There are several reasons why mental assessments are crucial in the criminal justice system. First, mental health can significantly impact an accused person's ability to understand the charges laid against them and participate in their defense. The assessment report will help the court determine if the accused has the required mental capacity to stand trial and if they fully comprehend the charges against them. Second, a mental assessment allows for an accurate diagnosis, which can inform sentencing. For example, if the accused is diagnosed with a mental disorder, the court may take that into consideration when determining the appropriate sentence. In some cases, rather than a prison sentence, the court may order that the accused undergo counseling or treatment to address their mental health issues. Third, mental assessments can help address the underlying issues that led to criminal behavior. An accurate assessment can identify any mental health issues the accused may have been suffering from at the time of the offense, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or depression. Once these issues are identified, appropriate interventions can be put in place to manage them, reducing the likelihood of reoffending. Section 672.2(1) outlines the importance of an accurate assessment in the criminal justice system. The report generated by the assessment is a valuable tool for the court to make informed decisions. Without it, the court would be unable to determine if the accused is mentally fit to stand trial or if they require a different, more therapeutic approach to their sentencing. In conclusion, mental health assessments are an integral part of the Canadian justice system. Section 672.2(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada ensures that the assessment report is an essential requirement of any mental health assessment. It helps to ensure that justice is served, that appropriate treatment options are available, and overall, that the criminal justice system can support those who are suffering from mental health issues.


Section 672.2(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada allows for an assessment order to be issued in relation to an accused person's mental condition. The purpose of this order is to obtain a written assessment report on the accused's mental state, which can be used in court proceedings to determine the person's fitness to stand trial and/or criminal responsibility for their actions. When dealing with this section of the Criminal Code, there are several strategic considerations that should be taken into account. Here are some potential strategies that could be employed: 1. Timing: Timing is a key strategic consideration when it comes to obtaining an assessment report. If the assessment is ordered too early, it may not accurately reflect the accused person's mental state at the time of the alleged offence. Conversely, if the assessment is ordered too late, the accused may have already been found guilty or entered a plea, which could limit the usefulness of the report. It is important to carefully consider the timing of the assessment order to ensure that it is as useful as possible. 2. Selection of the assessor: The person who carries out the assessment will have a significant impact on the outcome of the report. It is therefore important to carefully consider the qualifications and expertise of potential assessors, as well as their potential biases or conflicts of interest. In some cases, it may be beneficial to seek out a specialized assessor with a particular expertise in the type of mental health issue in question. 3. Communication with the assessor: Once an assessment order has been issued and an assessor has been selected, it is important to communicate clearly with them about the purpose of the assessment and any specific questions or concerns that should be addressed in the report. This can help ensure that the assessment is as relevant and useful as possible. 4. Use of the assessment report: The assessment report can be a powerful piece of evidence in court proceedings. It is important to carefully consider how it will be used, and whether it is in the accused person's best interests to have the report introduced as evidence. In some cases, it may be more advantageous to negotiate a plea deal or take other strategic steps rather than relying on a mental health defence. 5. Advocate for the accused: Finally, it is important to ensure that the accused person's rights and interests are protected throughout the assessment process. This may involve advocating for the accused's right to a fair and impartial assessment, as well as ensuring that their privacy and other rights are respected. In conclusion, Section 672.2(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada provides an important tool for assessing an accused person's mental condition. By carefully considering the timing, selection of the assessor, communication with the assessor, use of the assessment report, and advocacy for the accused, it is possible to use this section strategically to protect the rights and interests of the accused, and to achieve the best possible outcome in their case.