Criminal Code of Canada - section 7(4.11) - Offence in relation to trafficking in persons

section 7(4.11)


Canadian citizens or permanent residents who commit offences related to human trafficking outside of Canada can be charged as if they committed the offence in Canada.


7(4.11) Notwithstanding anything in this Act or any other Act, every one who, outside Canada, commits an act or omission that if committed in Canada would be an offence against section 279.01, 279.011, 279.02 or 279.03 shall be deemed to commit that act or omission in Canada if the person who commits the act or omission is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.


Section 7(4.11) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that deals with extraterritoriality. It states that if a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident commits an act or omission outside of Canada which would be an offence under sections 279.01, 279.011, 279.02 or 279.03 of the Criminal Code, then that person will be deemed to have committed the offence in Canada. Sections 279.01, 279.011, 279.02 and 279.03 of the Criminal Code deal with various forms of human trafficking and related offences. By including this provision in the Criminal Code, Canada is sending a strong message that it will not tolerate its citizens or permanent residents engaging in these types of criminal activities abroad. The provision also addresses the issue of jurisdiction. Normally, Canadian criminal law only applies within Canada's borders. However, in cases where a Canadian is alleged to have committed a serious offence outside of Canada, it may be difficult to obtain jurisdiction over that person. This provision allows Canadian authorities to prosecute such individuals as if the crime had taken place in Canada, which makes it easier to obtain jurisdiction and bring them to justice. Overall, section 7(4.11) serves as a deterrent to Canadian citizens and permanent residents who may consider engaging in human trafficking or related offences abroad. It also ensures that those who do engage in such activities are held accountable for their actions, regardless of where those actions take place.


Section 7(4.11) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a critical provision that facilitates the prosecution of Canadians for specific offenses committed outside Canada's borders. The provision is also part of Canada's commitment to combating crimes against humanity, specifically human trafficking offenses, and ensures that Canadian citizens or permanent residents that engage in these activities outside Canada are not immune to prosecution. The section's relevance stems from the fact that human trafficking is among the most pressing human rights challenges globally and is a gross violation of the dignity of the human person. Human trafficking takes many forms but often involves the exploitation and enslavement of individuals for financial gain. Traffickers lure their victims, including children, with false promises of jobs, better living conditions, and other incentives, and then force them into labor or sexual exploitation. Human trafficking also involves the transportation of persons for the same exploitative purposes, often across international borders. Section 7(4.11)'s main objective is to close legal loopholes and ensure that Canadians engaging in human trafficking activities outside Canada can be held accountable under Canadian law. To accomplish this, the provision deems the act or omission committed outside Canada against sections 279.01, 279.011, 279.02, or 279.03 as committed in Canada if the person committing the offense is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident. Section 279 of the Criminal Code of Canada deals with offenses relating to human trafficking, including trafficking in persons, importing or exporting persons, and withholding or destroying travel documents. While some critics have argued that section 7(4.11) may violate the principle of territorial jurisdiction, it is essential to the fight against trafficking in persons, especially in today's increasingly globalized world, where criminal activities thrive in the gaps between different legal systems. Human traffickers may seek refuge in countries where they know they will not be held accountable for their actions if they operate beyond Canada's borders. Section 7(4.11) also goes in line with Canada's international obligations to combat trafficking in persons and hold perpetrators accountable. The United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, provides a framework for countries like Canada to take action against human trafficking. The protocol calls for the criminalization of trafficking in persons, especially the transnational trafficking of persons. In conclusion, section 7(4.11) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a crucial provision that helps combat human trafficking by ensuring the prosecution of Canadians engaged in such activities outside Canada. This provision plays an essential role in Canada's commitment to the fight against human trafficking, a heinous crime against humanity. Its effectiveness, however, depends on the cooperation and collaboration between law enforcement agencies globally, the sharing of intelligence and information, and the mutual assistance between countries in the fight against human trafficking.


Section 7(4.11) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important legal provision that enables the Canadian judicial system to prosecute Canadian citizens and permanent residents for committing certain offences outside of Canada that would be deemed criminal if committed within Canada. This provision underlines Canada's commitment to ensuring that its citizens and permanent residents are held accountable for their actions, even when those actions take place outside the country's borders. However, there are several strategic considerations that legal practitioners and investigators should keep in mind when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code. One of the most important strategic considerations is the need to collect and preserve evidence that supports a prosecution under this provision. Due to the nature of the offence and the location where it occurred, it may be challenging to gather compelling evidence that ties the accused to the crime. This could include evidence such as personal communications, transaction records, and physical evidence that could be admissible in court. As such, legal practitioners and investigators must be diligent in gathering and preserving evidence that supports the prosecution's case. Another strategic consideration is the need to work with international partners and law enforcement agencies to gather evidence and coordinate efforts. Since the crime was committed outside of Canada's borders, it is likely that international cooperation will be required to obtain the necessary evidence and arrest the accused. This could involve working with foreign law enforcement agencies, Interpol, or other international organizations. As such, a strategic approach would involve building strong relationships with these organizations and investing in the necessary tools and resources to facilitate effective collaboration. Another strategy that could be employed is the use of extraterritorial provisions in other jurisdictions to enhance the chance of successful prosecution under Section 7(4.11) of the Criminal Code. If an accused person has committed similar offences in another jurisdiction, they may be subject to prosecution in both jurisdictions. By leveraging the extraterritorial provisions in other jurisdictions, legal practitioners could increase the likelihood of successfully prosecuting the accused for their actions. It is worth noting that due to the complex nature of these cases, it is essential to work with legal experts who have experience in international criminal law and have an in-depth understanding of the legal framework governing the offence in question. This could include seeking counsel from international organizations and individuals with relevant expertise. In conclusion, Section 7(4.11) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a critical legal provision that underpins Canada's commitment to holding its citizens and permanent residents accountable for their actions, even when those actions take place outside of the country's borders. To take full advantage of this provision and maximize the chance of success in prosecuting those who commit similar offences, legal practitioners and investigators must carefully consider the strategic implications of their actions and work collaboratively with international counterparts to gather the evidence required to support the prosecution's case. Additionally, seeking counsel from legal experts with relevant expertise in international criminal law is essential to successfully navigate the complexities of these cases.