section 810.1(5)


Subsection 810(4) and (5) apply to recognizances made under this section with necessary modifications.


810.1(5) Subsections 810(4) and (5) apply, with such modifications as the circumstances require, to recognizances made under this section.


Section 810.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada is a provision that clarifies the application of Section 810(4) and (5) to recognizances made under the current section. The section permits an individual fearing harm from someone else (without proof that would support a criminal charge) to ask for a legal order that compels the suspected individual to enter into a section 810 peace bond, a formal assurance to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. Subsections 810(4) and (5) govern the terms and enforcement of peace bonds and are significant to ensure effective protection. The Criminal Code defines a peace bond as a means of ensuring 'good behaviour' of an individual who has not been charged with an offence in cases where there is reasonable fear that the individual will cause harm to another person. Under Section 810.1, the court may issue a peace bond without charge to protect an individual from harm. Nonetheless, the geographical and temporal restrictions needed on the accused individual may differ based on the context and circumstances of every case. Section 810.1(5) makes sure that the terms of the peace bond applied to individuals under Section 810.1 are similar to those under Section 810. The section delivers clarity and certainty to individuals who seek protection under Section 810.1, given that it references other relevant sections, offering both judicial and legal guidance in the application of the peace bond. In conclusion, Section 810.1(5) is an essential provision that ensures transparent and uniform standards in applying peace bonds.


Section 810.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada gives guidance to the application of sections 810(4) and (5) for recognizances made under this section. This section deals with peace bonds, which are a form of legal contract that seek to prevent crime or disturbance of peace when there is reasonable suspicion of future wrongful conduct. It allows people who fear for their safety, or that of their family members or personal property, to apply to a court for a peace bond. Its use is meant for preventing harm, instead of punishing or deterring wrongdoing. Subsections 810(4) and (5) provide direction on the terms and conditions of the recognizances and the breach thereof, as well as the consequences, which include arrest and forfeiture. These subsections outline the circumstances under which a person may be required to enter into a recognizance, the duration of the recognizance, and the conditions that may be imposed by the court. Furthermore, it specifies the penalties for violating the terms of the recognizance, which may include imprisonment, and forfeiture of a deposit that the individual can be required to make. The modification mentioned in section 810.1(5) will primarily depend on the specifics of the case. For example, an individual who is subject to a peace bond may be required to remain in a specific geographical area and avoid contacting or communicating with specific individuals. It may also require that the individual submit to surveillance and provide frequent updates to the police. The aim of adding this provision to the Criminal Code was to set out a clear framework for the courts on the application of sections 810(4) and (5) regarding peace bonds. The section is important in harmonizing the legal framework regarding peace bonds to ensure that the courts issue orders that are consistent and fair. Section 810.1(5) is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it provides legal structure for the issuance of peace bonds, which will ensure consistency in how such orders are implemented. This consistency gives defendants confidence in the fairness of the courts, strengthening public trust in the justice system. Secondly, it empowers the courts to take proactive measures to prevent future wrongdoings, thereby helping to ensure public safety. Finally, it provides for consequences for violating the terms of the orders, ensuring that offenders face punishment for their actions and providing deterrence for future offenses. In conclusion, Section 810.1(5) is a vital part of the Criminal Code framework regarding peace bonds, providing guidance to courts on the issuance and terms of such bonds, as well as the consequences for violating those terms. It provides defendants with certainty and consistency in their treatment by the courts while also ensuring that the courts remain proactive in safeguarding public safety. Ultimately, its inclusion in the Criminal Code is an essential part of ensuring a fair and functional judicial system.


Section 810.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that allows for the use of peace bond recognizances in cases involving potential offenders who have not yet committed a crime. A peace bond is a legal agreement that requires the person signing it to comply with certain conditions (e.g. attendance at counselling sessions, refraining from contact with specified individuals) to maintain good behaviour and stay out of trouble. When dealing with this section of the Criminal Code, there are several strategic considerations that need to be taken into account. These include: 1. The threshold for imposing a peace bond. In order to obtain a peace bond, the prosecutor must satisfy the court that the potential offender is likely to commit a serious criminal offence. This requires a significant amount of evidence, and the threshold is relatively high. As a result, it is important to carefully assess the strength of the evidence before seeking a peace bond. 2. The conditions of the peace bond. The conditions attached to a peace bond must be tailored to the individual circumstances of the case. This requires careful consideration of the potential risks posed by the individual, as well as any underlying factors that may be contributing to their behaviour. For example, if the individual has a history of substance abuse, attendance at a drug treatment program may be an appropriate condition. 3. The impact on the potential offender. Imposing a peace bond can have significant consequences for the individual involved, including limitations on their freedom and restrictions on their ability to engage in certain activities. As a result, it is important to carefully consider the impact of the peace bond on the individual, and whether other measures (such as counselling or treatment) may be more appropriate. There are several strategies that can be employed when dealing with this section of the Criminal Code. These include: 1. Comprehensive risk assessments. Before seeking a peace bond, it is important to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of the potential offender. This should include consideration of their criminal history, their mental health, and any other factors that may be relevant to their behaviour. 2. Collaborative approaches. Working collaboratively with other agencies (such as mental health services, drug treatment programs, or community organizations) can help to create a comprehensive plan for addressing the potential offender's behaviour. This may include referrals for counselling or other interventions. 3. Advocacy for the potential offender. In some cases, the potential offender may have underlying issues (such as mental health or substance abuse) that are contributing to their behaviour. Advocating for these individuals and ensuring that they receive appropriate treatment or support can be a critical strategy for achieving long-term positive outcomes. Overall, effective management of this section of the Criminal Code requires a careful and strategic approach. By carefully assessing the risk posed by potential offenders and tailoring interventions to their individual needs, it is possible to achieve positive outcomes and prevent the commission of serious criminal offences.