section 732.1(5)


This section outlines the responsibilities of a court when issuing a probation order, including ensuring the offender understands the order, conditions, and procedures for applying for changes.


732.1(5) The court that makes a probation order shall (a) cause a copy of the order to be given to the offender; (b) explain the conditions of the order set under subsections (2) to (3.1) and the substance of section 733.1 to the offender; (c) cause an explanation to be given to the offender of the procedure for applying under subsection 732.2(3) for a change to the optional conditions and of the substance of subsections 732.2(3) and (5); and (d) take reasonable measures to ensure that the offender understands the order and the explanations.


Section 732.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada outlines the obligations of the court when making a probation order. When a court makes a probation order, it must provide a copy of the order to the offender and explain the conditions of the order and the substance of Section 733.1 to the offender. Additionally, the court must explain the procedure for applying for a change to the optional conditions outlined in the order under subsection 732.2(3) and explain the substance of subsections 732.2(3) and (5). The purpose of these obligations is to ensure that the offender understands what is expected of them during the period of probation. These explanations must be given in a way that is understandable to the offender, so they can fully comprehend the terms and conditions of the probation. The court is also required to take reasonable measures to ensure that the offender understands the order and explanations. By providing clear explanations and ensuring that the offender understands the order, the court can increase the likelihood of the offender successfully completing their probationary period. Additionally, it can help prevent future breaches of the probation order, as the offender will be fully aware of what is expected of them. Overall, this section serves to promote effective communication and understanding between the court and the offender, with the goal of reducing recidivism and promoting public safety.


Section 732.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that outlines the responsibilities of the court when making a probation order. This section is intended to ensure that both the offender and the court fully understand the conditions of the probation order. Additionally, the court must provide the offender with information about their rights under the law and the procedure for applying for a change to the conditions of their probation. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this provision is the requirement that the court takes reasonable measures to ensure that the offender understands the probation order. This is particularly important because not all offenders will have the same level of understanding of legal terms and processes. Some may not be fully fluent in English or may have cognitive or intellectual disabilities that make it difficult for them to grasp complex legal concepts. Therefore, it is crucial that the court provides clear and detailed explanations of the probation order and ensures that the offender fully understands its terms and conditions. The provision also highlights the importance of transparency in the probation process. The court must not only explain the conditions of the order to the offender but must also ensure that the substance of section 733.1 is explained. Section 733.1 deals with the consequences of a breach of probation, and it is essential that offenders be made fully aware of the potential penalties if they violate the terms of their probation. By providing this information up front, the court can help to promote compliance with the order and discourage offenders from engaging in behavior that could result in a breach. Another important aspect of this provision is the requirement that the court explain the procedure for applying for a change to the optional conditions of the probation order. This is important because the offender may need to request changes to their probation conditions if they are having trouble complying with certain aspects of the order. By providing information about this process, the court can help to ensure that the offender is aware of their rights and can seek the necessary changes to their probation conditions if required. Overall, Section 732.1(5) is crucial for ensuring that both the court and the offender have a clear understanding of the terms of the probation order. By providing detailed explanations of the conditions of the order and the consequences of a breach, the court can promote compliance with the order and protect public safety. Additionally, by providing information about the process for requesting changes to the probation conditions, the court can help to ensure that the offender's rights are protected and that they have the support they need to successfully complete their probation.


Section 732.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada lays out clear obligations for the court when making a probation order. These obligations are intended to ensure that offenders understand the expectations placed upon them and the consequences of violating the terms of the probation order. For lawyers representing clients who may be subject to probation orders, there are several strategic considerations and strategies that should be taken into account. One of the key strategic considerations is ensuring that the offender fully understands the terms of the probation order. This means going beyond simply providing a copy of the order and explaining the conditions and substance of section 733.1. Lawyers should take an active role in ensuring that their clients are able to comprehend the order, which may involve asking the court to provide additional explanations or working with the client to clarify any confusion they may have. Another important consideration is advocating for optional conditions that are appropriate and feasible for the client. Section 732.1(3) provides for a wide range of optional conditions that can be imposed as part of a probation order, but not all of these may be relevant or realistic for every individual. Lawyers should advocate for conditions that will help their clients succeed on probation, taking into account the individual's circumstances, needs, and abilities. In addition, lawyers should be familiar with the procedure for applying for a change to optional conditions under subsection 732.2(3). This may include advocating for changes to the order if circumstances change or if the original conditions prove difficult or unreasonable for the offender to comply with. Finally, lawyers should be aware of the consequences of violating a probation order. Section 733.1 sets out potential penalties for breaching a probation order, which can include additional conditions, fines, imprisonment, or a combination of these. Lawyers should ensure that their clients understand these consequences and take steps to minimize the risk of violations occurring. In terms of strategies that can be employed, lawyers may consider engaging with their clients early in the probation process to help them understand the conditions and expectations of the order. This may include providing clear and concise explanations of the terms of the order, working with the client to develop a plan for compliance, and providing ongoing support throughout the probation period. Lawyers may also consider advocating for alternative forms of sentencing that may be more appropriate for their clients. Probation is not the only option available under the Criminal Code of Canada, and for some individuals, it may not be the best choice. For example, alternative measures programs may be more effective for lower-risk offenders who are able to take responsibility for their actions and make amends to the victim or community. Finally, lawyers should be prepared to advocate fiercely for their clients in cases where probation violations occur. This may involve challenging the charges or the evidence presented against the client, negotiating with the prosecutor, or seeking a modification of the probation order to help the client succeed. In conclusion, section 732.1(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada sets out clear obligations for the court when making a probation order, but there are many strategic considerations and strategies that lawyers can employ to ensure that their clients understand the order and succeed on probation. By working closely with their clients and advocating for appropriate conditions and alternatives, lawyers can help to minimize the risk of probation violations and ensure successful outcomes for their clients.