section 784(2)


Part XXI of the Criminal Code of Canada applies to appeals under this section with necessary modifications.


784(2) Except as provided in this section, Part XXI applies, with such modifications as the circumstances require, to appeals under this section.


Section 784(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada pertains to appeals against conviction or sentence in criminal cases. It clarifies that Part XXI of the Code, which deals with appeals in general, applies to such appeals, subject to necessary modifications. This ensures that the procedures, grounds, and rights associated with appeals are consistent across the Code, while also accounting for the unique aspects of appeals under Section 784. Part XXI of the Code outlines the process of criminal appeals, including their grounds, jurisdiction, and timelines. It also spells out the powers and duties of appellate courts, such as the power to quash or vary a conviction or sentence, order a new trial, or make any other appropriate order. The section also lays down certain procedural rules, such as the requirement to seek leave to appeal, file proper notices, and provide relevant documents. Section 784(2) essentially imports the provisions of Part XXI into appeals under Section 784, with necessary modifications. These modifications would depend on the differences between the appeals in question and other appeals in the Code. For instance, Section 784 appeals can only be brought by certain parties (such as the accused, or the Attorney General), and only with leave of the court or judge. Additionally, they may involve specific questions of law or fact, require different evidence or arguments, or face different consequences. By incorporating the principles of Part XXI into Section 784 appeals, the Code ensures a fair and consistent process for challenging criminal convictions or sentences. It also allows for flexibility in adapting to the particular circumstances of each case, while still maintaining basic standards of procedural fairness.


Section 784(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is concerned with the appeal process in criminal cases. It states that Part XXI of the Criminal Code, which deals with appeals by way of indictment, applies to appeals under this section with certain modifications as may be necessary in the circumstances. This means that the appeal process in criminal cases involving summary conviction offences is subject to certain terms and conditions. The appeal process in criminal cases can be a complex and lengthy process, and Section 784(2) recognizes this by referring to the need for modifications as circumstances require. This allows for a more flexible approach to be taken in cases where certain circumstances may require different procedures in the appeal process. This flexibility ensures that the appeal process is accessible and fair to all parties involved, and that potential errors or mistakes made in the trial process can be addressed. One potential modification that may be required in certain circumstances is the need for a more expedited appeal process. This may be necessary in cases where a person is wrongfully convicted of a summary offence and has been sentenced to imprisonment. In such cases, the individual may need to have their appeal heard quickly in order to avoid undue hardship or suffering resulting from the wrongful conviction. Another modification that may be necessary under Section 784(2) is the ability to consider new evidence during the appeal process. In criminal trials, new evidence may emerge after the initial trial has concluded, and this evidence may have a significant impact on the outcome of the case. Allowing new evidence to be considered during the appeal process ensures that justice is served and that errors or omissions made during the initial trial are corrected. Overall, Section 784(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada recognizes the importance of the appeal process in ensuring that justice is served in criminal cases. By providing for certain modifications as necessary, Section 784(2) ensures that the appeal process is flexible and accessible to all parties involved. This ensures that the outcome of criminal cases is fair and just, and that errors or mistakes made during the initial trial process are corrected.


Section 784(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada is an important provision that outlines the procedures for appealing a criminal conviction or sentence. This section essentially states that, except for any modifications that may be required based on the circumstances of the appeal, Part XXI of the Criminal Code - which governs appeals in criminal proceedings - applies to appeals made under Section 784(2). When dealing with this section of the Criminal Code, there are several strategic considerations that may come into play. One important consideration is the timing of the appeal. It is crucial to file an appeal within the time limits set out in the Criminal Code, which is usually within 30 days of the conviction or sentence being handed down. Missing this deadline could result in the appeal being dismissed as untimely. Another key consideration is the grounds for appeal. To be successful in an appeal, the appellant must show that there was an error or mistake made during the trial proceedings that affected the outcome of the case. This could include errors in evidentiary rulings, mistakes in the judge's instructions to the jury, or even misconduct by the prosecutor or other parties involved in the case. Identifying and substantiating these grounds of appeal can be a complex and time-consuming process that requires an in-depth understanding of criminal law and procedure. A third strategic consideration is the choice of appellate court. Depending on the nature of the appeal and the jurisdiction in which the case was heard, there may be several different levels of appellate courts available, including provincial courts of appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Each of these courts has different rules and procedures, and may have varying standards of review for appeals. It is important to carefully assess the strengths and weaknesses of each option and choose the court that is most likely to result in a successful outcome. In terms of strategies that could be employed when dealing with Section 784(2), there are several options depending on the circumstances of the case. For example, an appellant may choose to focus on specific errors or issues that arose during the trial, and present detailed arguments and evidence to support these assertions. Alternatively, the appellant may take a broader approach and argue that there were systemic problems with the trial process that resulted in an unfair conviction or sentence. Another potential strategy is to engage in plea bargaining or negotiations with the Crown in order to reach a more favorable outcome. This could involve accepting a guilty plea on a lesser charge, or agreeing to a reduced sentence in exchange for dropping the appeal. However, this strategy may not be appropriate in all cases, and should only be pursued after careful consideration of the potential benefits and drawbacks. Overall, the successful appeal of a criminal conviction or sentence requires careful planning, preparation, and a deep understanding of the law and procedures involved. By taking a strategic approach and working with experienced legal professionals, appellants can increase their chances of achieving a positive outcome.