800(1) - When both parties appear 800(2) - Counsel or agent 800(2.1) - Video links 800(3) - Appearance by organization 801(1) - Arraignment 801(2) - Finding of guilt, conviction or order if charge admitted 801(3) - Procedure if charge not admitted 802(1) - Right to make full answer and defence 802(2) - Examination of witnesses 802(3) - On oath 802.1 - Limitation on the use of agents 803(1) - Adjournment 803(2) - Non-appearance of defendant 803(3) - Consent of Attorney General required 803(4) - Non-appearance of prosecutor 804 - Finding of guilt, conviction, order or dismissal 806(1) - Memo of conviction or order 806(2) - Warrant of committal 806(3) - Admissibility of certified copy 807 - Disposal of penalties when joint offenders 808(1) - Order of dismissal 808(2) - Effect of certificate 809(1) - Costs 809(2) - Order set out 809(3) - Costs are part of fine 809(4) - Where no fine imposed 809(5) - Definition of costs 810(1) - Where injury or damage feared 810(2) - Duty of justice 810(3) - Adjudication 810(3.1) - Conditions 810(3.11) - Surrender, etc. 810(3.12) - Reasons 810(3.2) - Idem 810(4) - Forms 810(4.1) - Modification of recognizance 810(5) - Procedure 810.01(1) - Fear of certain offences 810.01(2) - Appearances 810.01(3) - Adjudication 810.01(3.1) - Duration extended 810.01(4.1) - Conditions in recognizance 810.01(4) - Refusal to enter into recognizance 810.01(5) - Conditions firearms 810.01(5.1) - Surrender, etc. 810.01(5.2) - Reasons 810.01(6) - Variance of conditions 810.01(7) - Other provisions to apply 810.1(1) - Where fear of sexual offence 810.1(2) - Appearances 810.1(3.1) - Refusal to enter into recognizance 810.1(3) - Adjudication 810.1(3.01) - Duration extended 810.1(3.02) - Conditions in recognizance 810.1(3.03) - Conditions firearms 810.1(3.04) - Surrender, etc. 810.1(3.05) - Condition reporting 810.1(4) - Judge may vary recognizance 810.1(5) - Other provisions to apply 810.2(1) - Where fear of serious personal injury offence 810.2(2) - Appearances 810.2(3) - Adjudication 810.2(3.1) - Duration extended 810.2(4.1) - Conditions in recognizance 810.2(4) - Refusal to enter into recognizance 810.2(5) - Conditions firearms 810.2(5.1) - Surrender, etc. 810.2(5.2) - Reasons 810.2(6) - Condition reporting 810.2(7) - Variance of conditions 810.2(8) - Other provisions to apply 811 - Breach of recognizance 812(1) - Definition of appeal court 812(2) - When appeal court is Court of Appeal of Nunavut 813 - Appeal by defendant, informant or Attorney General 814(1) - Manitoba and Alberta 814(2) - Saskatchewan 814(3) - British Columbia 814(4) - Territories 815(1) - Notice of appeal 815(2) - Extension of time 816(1) - Undertaking or recognizance of appellant 816(2) - Application of certain provisions of section 525 817(1) - Undertaking or recognizance of prosecutor 817(2) - Condition 817(3) - Appeals by Attorney General 817(4) - Form of undertaking or recognizance 818(1) - Application to appeal court for review 818(2) - Disposition of application by appeal court 818(3) - Effect of order 819(1) - Application to fix date for hearing of appeal 819(2) - Order fixing date 820(1) - Payment of fine not a waiver of appeal 820(2) - Presumption 821(1) - Notification and transmission of conviction, etc. 821(2) - Saving 821(3) - Appellant to furnish transcript of evidence 822(1) - Certain sections applicable to appeals 822(2) - New trial 822(3) - Order of detention or release 822(4) - Trial de novo 822(5) - Former evidence 822(6) - Appeal against sentence 822(7) - General provisions re appeals 824 - Adjournment 825 - Dismissal for failure to appear or want of prosecution 826 - Costs 827(1) - To whom costs payable, and when 827(2) - Certificate of non-payment of costs 827(3) - Committal 828(1) - Enforcement of conviction or order by court of appeal 828(2) - Enforcement by justice 828(3) - Duty of clerk of court 829(1) - Definition of appeal court 829(2) - Nunavut 830(1) - Appeals 830(2) - Form of appeal 830(3) - Rules for appeals 830(4) - Rights of Attorney General of Canada 831 - Application 832(1) - Undertaking or recognizance 832(2) - Attorney General 833 - No writ required 834(1) - Powers of appeal court 834(2) - Authority of judge 835(1) - Enforcement 835(2) - Idem 836 - Appeal under section 830 837 - Appeal barred 838 - Extension of time 839(1) - Appeal on question of law 839(1.1) - Nunavut 839(2) - Sections applicable 839(3) - Costs 839(4) - Enforcement of decision 839(5) - Right of Attorney General of Canada to appeal 840(1) - Fees and allowances 840(2) - Order of lieutenant governor in council 841 - Definition of electronic document 841 - Definition of data 842 - Dealing with data in court 843(1) - Transfer of data 843(2) - Time of filing 844 - Documents in writing 845 - Signatures 846 - Oaths 847 - Copies 848 - Condition for remote appearance 849(1) - Forms 849(2) - Seal not required 849(3) - Official languages